
この本は難しいことではありませんでした。 私は本当にこれが好きだった。 ハチは可愛いし、先生はとても親切でした。 しかし、本は悲しかった。

I presented this book at the Japanese speech and essay contest. It’s a really good book and I highly recommend it! I usually read level 0 books but this was not hard. I recommend this as a book for students transitioning from level 0 to level 1.

さくらは私のお気に入りの花です。 だから、私はこの本を読んでみたいです。 私は春にこの本を読んだ。

This book talks about cherry blossoms in Japan, and the activities during that time. I liked the art style of the book and though it was nice to read. The kanji was had for me but it was worth it to learn more about cherry blossoms. I would recommend the book for students to read in the spring under a cherry blossom tree.

日本へ ジョンさん

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I recommend this book to those who want to advance their reading level from 0 to 1! There is a big jump from level 0 to level 1 in regards to the amount of text on a page, resulting in more context to the images of the story. Since there are slightly more advanced sentences/ grammar structures and a higher volume of words, I felt that reading this book was a closer and more accurate experience to what it would be like to read regular Japanese books. A lot can still be interpreted from the images, but the text gives more depth to an image than level 0 did. For me, the hardest part of reading this book stemmed from the formatting of sentences from up-to-down, rather than from left-to-right. We have yet to write in this format in Japanese class, so it took a lot more time to read—- going from one character to the next instead of word by word. In conclusion, this book is very friendly training for a reader getting used to the direction of fluid Japanese text!



I think “Kasa Ji Zou” was better than “Girl.” The old grandfather and old grandmother are cute, kindhearted people. The kanji and tango is not difficult. With this book, you also don’t need to have a dictionary.



Because this story feels incomplete, I thought it was so-so. I also though the artwork was a little bit scary. But, the kanji and vocabulary is extremely easy, and this book’s grammar structures are all from Genki I. You do not need to have a dictionary.



I will recommend this book. The book talks about the tradition festival in Japan and how to mail things in Japan. John’s summer vacation seems really fun. You can learn more about Japanese culture by reading this book.


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I would recommend this story to any Japanese students who want to learn more about Japanese culture. The grammar is easy, but there are a lot of kimono-related vocab terms that are unfamiliar. I also found the different ages unfamiliar. That being said, the pictures made even the words I didn’t know easy to understand.

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level 0, vol 1, sakura


I liked this book, it was about how Cherry Blossoms grow in Japan. It was interesting to read about it since I had seen it on t.v. once. It gave information of which parts of Japan the Cherry Blossoms start to bloom fist according to the months. The drawings were very pretty, I would recommend this to anyone it was overall easy to read and informational.


この物語とPrincess Kaguya思い浮かびます。Princess Kaguyaは竹ができました。おじいさんは女の子を見つけりました。この本は可愛し、楽しです。ちょっとながいですが、面白いですね。読んでください!

This story reminds me of Princess Kaguya! She also had similar origins, but came out of a bamboo shoot. And it was the grandfather that found her. This book is cute and fun. It is a little bit long, but it’s interesting. I recommend this story!



Because the story is more realistic, the dialogue is useful for real life situations. We have already learned all the vocabulary, so it will be an easy read. It will probably take you 5 minutes to read through the entire story. I hope that Johnさん and Yukiさん will be good friends. I recommend this book!