

この本はとても面白いですよ。本の中で、たくさん小説があります。小説はちょっと変ですよ、でもかいがはきれいです。This book is a collection of several very short stories. Some are interesting, and some are a bit strange. But the illustrations are very nice!

I’d recommend this book to any first year student who wants a fairly easy read with not much new grammar. The short stories are fairly easy to understand and the pictures are nice to look at.



このストーリーは ちょとかなしでした。このストーリーはことはクラゲと猿が何かなくしました。でも、いいストーリーを読みました。おもしろいでした。

I would recommend this story. Most of the kanji was easy to read. It was a bit sad because they lost something they can’t get back. It was interesting to read why both the jellyfish and the monkey lost that something and how it happened.




Not only is this book friendly to new readers of Japanese, it is also culturally educational. Why not experience a Japanese New Years’ celebration with the Kimura family? This book is very colorful and easy to interpret. I would recommend it to any beginner.

ジョンさん バスの中で

この本で、大学生の おかしい話が 二つあります。ジョンさんは バスに乗る前に、新しい事を してみるが、かんがえません。それから、バスの中で、いつも たいへんです。みんなは ジョンさんに 大切な きょうくんを ならえます:新しい事を してみる時、気をつけてください。(^‿^)

Anyone can relate to these stories about everyday decisions that may not sometimes be the best, but are little anecdotes we learn from and laugh about later. These moments remind us that nobody’s perfect, and that little everyday slip-ups come and go.




This short story is about how wind and sun were having a little competition. The content is very easy but it is quite interesting. It is a very quick read I don’t think anyone would encounter any problems with it. However I would suggest people to read something more closely related to Japanese tradition since this tale is globally known.




I think this is a good book for first year Japanese. It is not a hard book to read, and it is a great way to review grammars we had covered last semester. I also think it is a great way to practice putting vocabularies we’ve learned in context.

Style from Tokyo



I find this book really interesting because it introduces the fashionable outfits in Tokyo and also talks about the stories of the people who wear these outfits. While reading the stories, I find that it’s obvious that an outfit is reflecting a person’s  personality and occupation. Although the Japanese expressions are advanced in this book, the book is still really interesting to read since you have the photos and you can read their story in context.



I really liked this book. I found myself having to look up a good number of words, but it also had a lot of vocab we’ve learned, which was nice. I like that it was broken up into four separate stories because it allowed me to take breaks from the reading without having to worry about forgetting something. I would definitely recommend it to other Japanese students!



If you are a novice at reading Japanese, then this is the book for you! The sentences are extremely short, and simple grammar can be identified/ understood (e.g. short form, te-form, 〜よ, quotations, casual “no” in speech, etc…) There is a plethora of images to baby-step the reader through the story and it is engaging till the end with light humor.

level 0, vol 1, sakura

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I learnt about お花見 this activity. It sounds so amazing. I really want to go to Japan in spring and enjoy the beautiful natural scene. This book is easy to read and I recommend to people who want to learn about Sakura which tokens part of Japanese culture.