

I would recommend this book if you’re looking for some mysterious stories, or something with a little bit of a fantasy bent. But if you’re looking for something actually scary, keep on looking. It’s not that I expected these stories to leave me with nightmares, but I was hoping for a disquieting thought or two and for the most part they disappointed. In terms of readability, I’d recommend this book to second and third year Japanese students.

Level 4, Vol2, Koizumi Yakumo no kowai hanashi 2




I would recommend this to other second years if you want a bit of a challenge. I believe it’s a graded reader for children learning Japanese as their first language, so the assumed knowledge of the language is a little different than in our graded readers. It can be very casual and uses a lot of unfamiliar verbs, nouns, and onomatopoeia. That being said, I came away understanding the basic plot of all the stories and even had a few laughs!



I recommend this book to anyone who would like to read a japanese folktale! The story line is very interesting and easy to follow. There are new vocabulary and grammar structures, but you can basically guess their meaning. The story also has a happy ending. Very educational and fun read!



This book introduces many Japanese new year traditions that I do not know before. It uses simple words and has lots of pictures. Overall it is a good book for first-year Japanese student.


このものがたりはとても面白くて、たのしいです。たとえば、ひこきで二人まんがをわしりました。この本はいいですよ、ジヨンさんと女の人は友になりましたですから。This story was not only interesting, but it was also fun. For example, on the plane they both forgot their manga book. this story was a good book because Jun san was able to make a friend.

I would recommend this book because the plot is very funny, the characters are very silly and forgetful so it makes a fun story to read. The kanji is easy to read and easy to follow.




I would recommend this short story to anyone, it’s an easy read. It’s about a good policeman. It’s really nice and how helpful a person can be to others and care for their well being.


I read the story fairly fast. It talked about Sakura’s progression in Japan. The story depicted a vivid societal image with simple language. I found it very interesting to see how Sakura is gradually coming to North and blooming along the season. The pictures are very nice too!

The language is very delicate and poetic, I would highly recommend this book because you would learn a lot but would not be bothered by the complexity of grammar. After reading this book, I had some urge visiting Japan and seeing Sakura!




I recommend this book to anyone who wants to know the behind story of how huji-san got its name. This story does not follow the typical folktale scheme of the main character achieving a happy ending through a journey or a battle. It will refresh any Japanese Graded Readers who are tired of folktales’ predictability with a storyline that keeps readers guessing until the very end.



Yes, I will recommend this book to other students.  It is a story about John’s summer vacation. We can learn about Japanese festivals. Also, it is useful for people who want to study abroad in Japan to see how does John interact with his Japanese host family.




この本の女の子ちょっと寂しかったと思います。この女の子は両親離婚したから、毎日元気じゃなかったです。そして、なにも話しませんでした。でも、ある日、一人の男の子は女の子に言っていました。女の子はとても元気から、話し始めていました。This story is about a girl who doesn’t talk because she’s lonely. She was lonely after her parents started fighting and got divorce. She didn’t talk and smile until one day, when a little boy gave her a flower.

I recommend this book because it is not very hard to read. It covers a lot of grammar we’ve learn before, and the content is actually interesting too.