
ゆきさんはとてもかわいいですね。ストリはおもしろいです。ゆきさんとラワラは大好きです。えはとてもきれいです。The story is about a dog Yuki and its friend, a car Rawara. The book contains lots of cute drawings and cute words mimicking the sound of dog and cat.

I recommend this book because the words are really simple, most of which we have learned in JPN 110 through lesson 1 to 7. Also, we can refresh Katagana by reading this book, because there are lots of animal sounds written in Katagana.



Dumbfounded by how professional and well-done the art and layout is, I felt like I was reading a published children’s book. Some vocabulary words are unfamiliar but it can be understood within the art. Recommended for JPN 110 students, I feel like this is a great work for beginners to read as I am encouraged that a good story can be written even with limited vocabulary and grammar.



The art is what drew me to this book, the style is very unique and represents the storyline extremely well. I find the story bittersweet and very nostalgic. The passages are very expressive and are easy to read as most phrases and terms are from the textbook. I would recommend it to JPN 110 students, an interesting and effortless read.

だれが たけしさん を なぐりましたか。

この 本 は たのしくて おもしろい  です 。難しくないです。とても つまらくないです。よんで ください。でも語い は ちょっと むずかしい です。

The book was an amazing and funny read. I would recommend  this book to those taking JPN 110 , or have very little exposure in the language. I loved reading this book. The story was colorful. I wished there was a sequel to this book. The vocabulary might be slightly higher than what we have learnt, but the grammar is very easy to understand. Please do read this book. It will definitely make you laugh.


木村家の毎日 「ただいま」


I would very much recommend this book to first year Japanese students, because it is an easy read and has a heartwarming, well-structured story about a family celebrating a very special day (you have to read the book to find out what that occasion is!) Also, the characters of the book are illustrated in an adorable style, which adds to the pleasure of reading this piece.

太郎くんの 夏休み


The book is very interesting about the life of たろうくん and showing what he did during the school break. The drawing is very cute and it’s pretty self explanatory. There were some phrases and vocabulary that I didn’t know, but I made my guess based on the image the writer provided and the words in the sentences.

I definitely recommend this story for 110 students like me because it’s not too hard to read. The sentences are short and the pictures make you excited to read more!


とてもきれいでおもしろい本ですよ。ぶたは小さくて、かわいいです。緑の豚が すきです!

This story was really interesting and so well-drawn! It reminded me of The Ugly Duckling, but even cuter! I would definitely recommend this story.

I think this story is meant for 110 students like us because it is rather easy, even if it is more difficult than some other Yomu Yomu Beginners’ books because some sentences are quite long! But if you like little piggies and pretty drawings, read this story!


この本はとてもしろいです。みつはさんとちよさんの一日はたのしいですね。いっしょにしゅくだいをして、ばんごはんを食べました。とてもしんせつなともだちですね。After reading the book, you will know how to discribe a conversation through a phone call, because the whole story is a call between Mitsuha and Chyosan. It is a unique and interesting book.


I highly recommend this book because JPN110 students have just learnt the sentences in this book, such as 今、何をしていますか and 別に何もしていません。This book can help you recall some grammar and sentences in Lesson 7 and also preview lesson8 such as と言います。


この本は面白ですが、ちょっと難しくて たくさん新しい単語があります。

The book introduces how Japanese people make and eat sushi, the history of sushi, as well as different kinds of sushi. It does not include a plot in the storytelling, but it’s still very interesting to read.

I would recommend this to Level 1 Japanese students who are more comfortable with Kanji, since there are a lot of new Kanji and vocabulary in the book. It is a good practice as well as one way to learn more about Japanese culture. But even if you are not that familiar with those words, you can still get the basic idea from the pictures!

I also recommend people to read it after lunch or dinner because the pictures make me hungry and extremely eager for sushi…


この本はおもしろくて、たのしです。It is about a place called 田代島(Tashirojima).  田代島でたくさんねこがいます。The cats and humans on the island get along very well and the cats are very happy there. たぶん、田代島にいぬをつれてきてはいきませんから!

I would recommend this book to my fellow first-year Japanese students because it is a quick (about 5 minutes) and enjoyable read, especially if you like cats! It also has very lovely and inventive illustrations.  However, I would recommend that it is not the very first Tadoku book you read as it is ちょっとむずかしいです。たくさんかんじがありますから。