

This book is based on a 1906 novel by Itou Sachio. It seems to be quite famous; there are several film adaptations. I didn’t read this one for a while because I didn’t like the art, but I actually found it quite touching. It’s a sad story about two teenagers who fall in love but aren’t allowed to get married.  I would recommend it to any level 3 or 4 students.


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This book starts with a brief explanation of rakugo, before moving on to tell three short stories that might be found in a rakugo performance. I’d thought that I would only read one and put it down for the day, but ended up reading all three. Even without the performer telling them, they’re still entertaining. It’s not the easiest of reads, but I’d still recommend it to someone who was looking for a laugh.


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I would recommend this book to anyone interested in learning about cup noodles, karaoke machines, and the Walkman. They are all invented in Japan, and this book describes how they were invented. It is a very interesting book.




This was a very informational book about soybeans. It goes into detail of where this is found in food products and what dishes they are found in. There were drawn picture examples of people eating the dishes and actual pictures of the food products made out of soybeans. This was easy to read and informational, the kanji wasn’t too hard, some of the captions on the picture have kanji we haven’t learned yet, but the rest was easy.

チーズスイートホーム vol. 2

チーズズイートホームというマンガのシリーズは小さいチーという子猫について物語です。一冊で、チーは色々な面白い冒険を経験します。この vol. 2 の本で、チーは新し家族の生活になれ続きます。大きくて黒い猫に会ったり、お父さんと一緒に遊んだり(お父さんは仕事をしてみているのに)、牛乳を飲んでみたりします。大きくて黒い猫は色々な短い物語に出ます。最初に、チーにとって、黒い猫は怖くて、嫌なものだけど、だんだん仲良くなります。

I would recommend this book to Japanese students of every level–it’s really simple and easy to read, but also really fun. Chii is adorable and hilarious and gets into lots of trouble. Chii also uses a kind of baby-talk that is honestly pretty adorable to read. There is some continuity between the stories within each volume, and across the series as a whole, but honestly you could probably pick up book 6 and have no trouble following what’s going on. The stories come across as short, connected vignettes rather than chapters in a long-running series.






I definitely recommend this book. It is filled with extremely interesting explanations of names of things in Japanese, and I think it is helpful to understand the origins of words in any language that you speak. I have always been interested in word origin and etymology and didn’t know anything about Japanese etymology, so it answers a lot of questions. The book is quite long, but it’s something you can come back to again and again and learn new things. Please read this book!


Image result for 桃太郎


Momotaro is a cute story about a boy who goes on an adventure with a dog, monkey and bird.  The book is pretty easy to understand as it is written for children and has a lot of pictures.  It is great for anyone interested in Japanese old stories.




I would recommend this book to third and fourth year students, and possibly ambitious second-year students as well. There’s a lot of vocabulary that we don’t learn in class, but there are also helpful foot/side-notes that explain some of the vocabulary and historical references. The art style in the book is pretty nice, and that makes it fun to read, as well as the fact that the stories are pretty interesting.




This book is a sushi recipe book and it introduces so many different types of sushi and the ways to make them. Making sushi could be creative. Although sushi seems to be easy to make, but it could take years or decades to master it. There are some new and specific sushi vocabularies in the book, but with the pictures the book is easy to understand.



I’m really surprised! I didn’t expect the plot to be like that. I like the book because it was interesting, sad, and a little bit scary (I actually got a little bit of goosebumps). For some reason, it seems scarier to read it in Japanese. Anyways, the illustrations were beautiful. The story was extremely easy, but there are a few new kanji. I would recommend this book!