日本の歴史のお話 前編



This book introduces the early Japanese history and I did find the book a bit little hard to understand because there are lots of Kanji and names. I think the book would be easier to read if you already know some Japanese history. I like this book because this is the first Japanese history book I read.




This is a heart-lifting book to read when you are having a bad day or as Yuko who recently had a fight with someone important in your life. Sometimes all you need is a positive mind and apologies and an accepting heart.




I would definitely recommend this book. It was quick and fun, the story was engaging, and while there was enough kanji and new vocabulary to make it challenging, there wasn’t too much. Give it a try!




I would definitely recommend this book. It was quick and fun, the story was engaging, and while there was enough kanji and new vocabulary to make it challenging, there wasn’t too much. Give it a try!



I wanted to write this review because I wanted to caution students a bit. It looks like a picture book at first, but it actually includes very difficult poetry and kanji without kana in the last half. I only recommend this for advanced Japanese students. Even for me, (4th year) it was difficult. However, the photographs are really beautiful and the first half is very easy.



Although this was an interesting read, it was definitely more difficult than the level 1 books I had read in the past. Because of the historical focus and difficulty level (level 3) of the story, there were a lot of kanji and vocabulary I did not understand. Because of this, I ended up referring to a dictionary and online translator quite often. Despite the difficulty, I enjoyed the book and the fun historical knowledge it provided. I would suggest this to first year students who are willing to challenge themselves and/or have the adequate amount of time to translate and thoroughly understand this text!




I would recommend this book to first year Japanese students, although there is a lot of new vocabulary and kanji. It is an interesting story and has repetitive enough grammar and sentence structures to be able to pick up quickly.



タクシー is a short story about a taxi driver who helps a young girl. It is more serious of a subject than a lot of the other level 2 books, which makes it interesting. It’s not an incredibly challenging read but it offers some new vocabulary and puts into context kanji we have learned so far.

~スーラ デミア




Yes, I would recommend this book, the kanji is very easy to read. It’s about a policeman named Ryo-san. He is very helpful and in this story he helps out a lady. He helps in dealing with an alligator.

舌切り雀 (したきり すずめ)

この昔話は おじいさんと おばあさんのストーリーですが、こののは おばあさんは アンタゴニストです。鳥に チャンスを くれませんで、その鳥に ぼうりょくをふるいました。たくのりを れいつぶしか あげられませんでした。でも、おばあさんは いじきたなかったから、バッドエンドです。

This is an interesting story with unexpected plot twists every two pages. I thought it was a clever, creative way to teach us that what goes around comes around. And no, if you think you missed a page at the end, it’s really the end.