そのストーリーは ほのぼのな お正月のものがたりです。おおみそかに、おばあさんと おじいさんは お金がないから、いい お正月の食べものは なにも作れません。私は「とても たいへんで、ざんねんですね。」と思いました。二人は 食べもののために たくさん がんばりましたが、食べものを買うのが むすざしいんです。でも、一月一日に とくべつな プレゼントを もらいます。
四ページに、日本の じぞうの スタチューが あって、じしょに とてもおもしろいいみを 見つけました。じぞうは 子どもと 旅行する人を まもるお寺さんです。そのいみが わかる時、ものがたりが わかって、好きなストーリーに なりました。読んでください!
その本は面白いとかなしいと思います。主人公は犬の名前はハチです。ハチのものがたりは真のものがたりだから、本の後ろで、ハチのしゃしんがあります!すごくかわいいです。This book is interesting but sad. It is the true story of a dog named Hachi, and there’s even a photo of the real Hachi (and his owner) in the back!
I would definitely recommend this book to classmates. The illustrations are beautiful, and the story and kanji are fairly easy to understand. Also, it’s based on a real story! If you love dogs, you will especially like this book.
This is a great book. Please read if you can! It teaches about Japanese festivals and traditions. Such as writing a wish on card and hanging it on a bamboo leaf. In the book they also saw fireworks, and ate shaved ice. This story is very fun, and it has cool colors.
I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in Japanese festival and traditions. Also represents family setting, also what host families are like. A lot of the words in this book are words we mostly know, the kanji is also very easy to read.
I really like this book because it introduced Sushi in every dimension. Sushi’s history, how to make sushi and different kinds of sushi are all demonstrated here. There are a lot of pretty illustrations and drawings of sushi. I highly recommend reading this book with a full stomach otherwise you would become really hungry by craving all kinds of sushi.
I think this book is a fun and easy read! It is composed of 4 short stories, so you won’t have to worry about stopping half way and forgetting the story line. We have learned a lot of the vocabulary, and you can understand most of the Kanji by the furigana provided next to it. The stories are short and pretty interesting. Would recommend!

: 5 stars
I learnt about お花見 this activity. It sounds so amazing. I really want to go to Japan in spring and enjoy the beautiful natural scene. This book is easy to read and I recommend to people who want to learn about Sakura which tokens part of Japanese culture.
Basically: Dude has beautiful wife and can’t stop looking at her, even to go to work. She gets tired of being broke and paints a self portrait that he can take with him to the fields where he works and look at it while he works. Everything is Gucci until the wind blows it away and it lands in Tono-sama’s castle. Tono-sama is smitten with one look. He sends out servants to find and bring her to him. As she’s being taken away, she gives a peach seed to her husband and tells him to plant it and in three years bring the peaches to the castle. I won’t spoil any more, but long story short they trick the lord and live happily ever after.
I think this was a great story for getting back into the groove of reading Japanese. The kanji aren’t too hard and the story is funny. I highly recommend this book for first years (who are looking for a reach) and second years (who are looking for a breather, or practice).
This was a very sad but good book. For all that the sentences were simple and short, the story conveyed lots of emotion. The vocabulary was almost all familiar, and there wasn’t much kanji. I would certainly recommend others give it a try.
I would recommend this book if you’re looking for some mysterious stories, or something with a little bit of a fantasy bent. But if you’re looking for something actually scary, keep on looking. It’s not that I expected these stories to leave me with nightmares, but I was hoping for a disquieting thought or two and for the most part they disappointed. In terms of readability, I’d recommend this book to second and third year Japanese students.

Winnie the Pooh is an adorable and beloved children’s book that does not use any kanji. If you loved Pooh Bear and friends as a child, I would highly recommend this book since you can practice Japanese while reading familiar childhood stories.