
このものがたりはとても面白くて、たのしいです。たとえば、ひこきで二人まんがをわしりました。この本はいいですよ、ジヨンさんと女の人は友になりましたですから。This story was not only interesting, but it was also fun. For example, on the plane they both forgot their manga book. this story was a good book because Jun san was able to make a friend.

I would recommend this book because the plot is very funny, the characters are very silly and forgetful so it makes a fun story to read. The kanji is easy to read and easy to follow.




I would recommend this short story to anyone, it’s an easy read. It’s about a good policeman. It’s really nice and how helpful a person can be to others and care for their well being.



この本はいろいろ日本の着物の写真と歴史があります。綺麗ですね。将来、私は浴衣を着て、錦戸亮と花火大会に行くつもりです :))

This book talks about the history of Japanese traditional clothing and festivals. They are all very beautiful. I will recommend this book to everyone who has interest in Japanese traditional culture.



この本はとてもおもしろいです。ジョンさんはわからない人だと思います。本の前半でおばあさんはしんせつですよ。本の後半はちょっとつまらないですが、おわるはおもしろいです。This book is very funny. I think that John is a confused person. The old lady in the first half of this book is kind. The second half is a little boring, but the ending is funny.

This book is divided into two main parts, both centered around John. I would definitely recommend it because it has a lot of funny moments. We’ve learned most of the words and grammar structures in Japanese I already, so no matter what your Japanese level is, this book can be understood.




この本はおもしろ本ですよ。さいしょは主人公はふつの女の子と思います、でもその本おどろきです。ちょっとかなしい、でも私は好きでした。This book is a very interesting short story about a young girl who goes for a taxi ride. The ending is quite surprising, and it is a beautiful book that will leave you thinking.

I recommend this book, as it is fairly easy to read and will help you learn some new kanji! It also has the bonus of an interesting plot twist. The illustrations are simple but very beautiful.


I read the story fairly fast. It talked about Sakura’s progression in Japan. The story depicted a vivid societal image with simple language. I found it very interesting to see how Sakura is gradually coming to North and blooming along the season. The pictures are very nice too!

The language is very delicate and poetic, I would highly recommend this book because you would learn a lot but would not be bothered by the complexity of grammar. After reading this book, I had some urge visiting Japan and seeing Sakura!




This story starts off with a gloomy mood, but ends on a positive note. I thought it was very interesting that the characters were only referred to as “girl” or “boy” instead of having specific names. I would definitely recommend this story to first-year Japanese students. It reflects a very nice theme in that there are big impacts in small acts of kindness.




I would recommend this book to beginning Japanese students. There were few unfamiliar kanji or vocabulary and all of the kanji had furigana. The overall story was sad, but good, and held my interest throughout.



The book features many soft color illustrations and a warm story. The altruistic spirit of the old man is very moving, so I would recommend this book.

Chelsea Jiang



I recommend this book to anyone who wants to know the behind story of how huji-san got its name. This story does not follow the typical folktale scheme of the main character achieving a happy ending through a journey or a battle. It will refresh any Japanese Graded Readers who are tired of folktales’ predictability with a storyline that keeps readers guessing until the very end.