
このほんはおもしろいすが、ちょうどこわいですね。The story is about a girl who believed that she was still alive even though she already died in a car accident three days ago. Her soul took a taxi to go back to home.  The whole story centers around the conversation between the taxi driver and the girl’s mom. The taxi driver learned from the girl’s mom that the girl who took the taxi was not a real human. The tone of the story is warm, but the story itself can be scary to younger-age readers.

I recommend the book to students who have learned Japanese for at least one year. As a 日本語のいねんせい who have only taken Japanese for one semester, I had difficulties with vocabularies while reading the book. でも、I recommend students who are good at Kanji to try on this book, because there are many kanji in this book. Also, the pictures in the book are very helpful for readers to grab the gist of the story.




This one is fairly simple and I recommend it for both 1st Years and 2nd Years. There are a few unfamiliar verbs and nouns, but you can either understand them from context or skip over them with no real detriment to understanding. Also, it just might be the cutest book in the 子どもとよむ日本の昔ばなし series.




Comprehension of these short funny stories was pretty tough going for me. If other 2nd Years want a challenge, then I recommend this; but it’s probably better suited to 3rd Years. That being said, I only selected three of them this time around (there are many many short stories in this collection), so if you read any of the others, let me know what you think!


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I recommend this one maybe to second-semester first years. It has some unfamiliar verbs and nouns, but the plot line itself was very short and simple, as were the grammar structures. I don’t personally think it’s the most riveting of the mukashi banashi‘s, but the illustrations were cute, so it’s still worth a quick read!


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This book starts with a brief explanation of rakugo, before moving on to tell three short stories that might be found in a rakugo performance. I’d thought that I would only read one and put it down for the day, but ended up reading all three. Even without the performer telling them, they’re still entertaining. It’s not the easiest of reads, but I’d still recommend it to someone who was looking for a laugh.


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I would recommend this book to anyone interested in learning about cup noodles, karaoke machines, and the Walkman. They are all invented in Japan, and this book describes how they were invented. It is a very interesting book.




I definitely recommend this book. It is filled with extremely interesting explanations of names of things in Japanese, and I think it is helpful to understand the origins of words in any language that you speak. I have always been interested in word origin and etymology and didn’t know anything about Japanese etymology, so it answers a lot of questions. The book is quite long, but it’s something you can come back to again and again and learn new things. Please read this book!


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Momotaro is a cute story about a boy who goes on an adventure with a dog, monkey and bird.  The book is pretty easy to understand as it is written for children and has a lot of pictures.  It is great for anyone interested in Japanese old stories.




This book is a sushi recipe book and it introduces so many different types of sushi and the ways to make them. Making sushi could be creative. Although sushi seems to be easy to make, but it could take years or decades to master it. There are some new and specific sushi vocabularies in the book, but with the pictures the book is easy to understand.

芥川龍之介短編集 蜘蛛の糸鼻


There are two meaningful stories in this short story collection about the importance of selflessness and self-appreciation. I am surprised to see how the story about the long nose has some connection to our 多読 project.