
This book lists statistics about Japanese men and women such as their respective average height or average age of marriage. The book also compares the statistics to those of other countries, such as America and Mexico. It is not a short story and is informational instead.

I would recommend this book because I think that it is rather interesting. I doubt that I would have come across the information in the book otherwise. Additionally, the artwork is pleasing. The measurements can be a bit confusing but otherwise it is mostly clear and readable with the skills of a first-year Japanese student.



This book was average. I understood 90% of it, so I recommend it as a level zero book. The story was funny in parts.  It had some Genki character fanfiction as part of the plot. There were a few vocabulary words that I didn’t know but I was not able to figure them out from the context or the drawings.

This book was fine but if you picked another random student book it would probably be just as good.  It was not challenging so this is good book if you do not want to be too intimidated by new vocab and kanji. It takes 5-10 minutes to read.


ストリはとてもかわいいですね。リンダさんはせが高いですから、せいかつはちょっとふべんです。ドアはちょっとひくいですから、デパートに行きませ。The book is interesting and is all about the height of a giraffe. In the beginning, Rinda is lonely because it does not have friends due to its high height. At last, Rinda is surrounded by lots of friends and the whole zoo is energetic.

I highly recommend this book because it is a little bit difficult, and time-consuming, compared to the other level0 student books. In this book, we can preview some words in Lesson 7 and 8 by guessing the meaning, which is a better way to learn words rather than just memorizing them.


ゆきさんはとてもかわいいですね。ストリはおもしろいです。ゆきさんとラワラは大好きです。えはとてもきれいです。The story is about a dog Yuki and its friend, a car Rawara. The book contains lots of cute drawings and cute words mimicking the sound of dog and cat.

I recommend this book because the words are really simple, most of which we have learned in JPN 110 through lesson 1 to 7. Also, we can refresh Katagana by reading this book, because there are lots of animal sounds written in Katagana.

木村家の毎日 「ただいま」


I would very much recommend this book to first year Japanese students, because it is an easy read and has a heartwarming, well-structured story about a family celebrating a very special day (you have to read the book to find out what that occasion is!) Also, the characters of the book are illustrated in an adorable style, which adds to the pleasure of reading this piece.


この本はとてもしろいです。みつはさんとちよさんの一日はたのしいですね。いっしょにしゅくだいをして、ばんごはんを食べました。とてもしんせつなともだちですね。After reading the book, you will know how to discribe a conversation through a phone call, because the whole story is a call between Mitsuha and Chyosan. It is a unique and interesting book.


I highly recommend this book because JPN110 students have just learnt the sentences in this book, such as 今、何をしていますか and 別に何もしていません。This book can help you recall some grammar and sentences in Lesson 7 and also preview lesson8 such as と言います。


この本はとても面白いです。お正月はとても楽しいです。漫画はかわくて、きれいです。お正月の歴史とカストムを知っています 。After reading it, you will get a sense of the custom and activities of the お正月 in Japan, which is a good way to learn more about the Japanese culture.

I will recommend this book to the Japanese first year students. Because the words and sentences are not that difficult, and you can finish reading it in five minutes with cute manga! Also, getting a deeper insight into the Japanese culture is really interesting.




I will definitely recommend this book to Japanese beginners. The pictures in the book are cute and the sentences are easy to understand with the manga. After reading it, not only would you learn some useful expressions, but also know more about the history and culture about beans in Japan.


きむらけの毎日 「おしょう月」

このほんは、とてもおもしろくて、たのしいです。I found this book really fun to read. It describes a traditional Japanese New Year’s celebration. There are many illustrations to help the reader understand what’s going on since some of the vocabulary is new.  The story is very cute and sweet.

I would recommend this book for level 1 Japanese students. It wasn’t too difficult and a really nice introduction to Japanese New Year. The sentences are short and simple and there are several Kanji that are taught by the second semester of Japanese 110 so it’s great practice. 


Book Jacket


I would recommend this book to other busy first years. It’s online, so it’s easy to access. It’s on the longer side, but it’s still graded readers, so it’s not excessive. It’s not super engaging, but it has its interesting points.