
この本は有名なストリーです。シンデレラは、子供の時お母さんが死んだ、お父さんは新しい彼女が探しました。でも、新しいお母さんとお姉さんはとてもいじわるでした。Once, with the help of おばあさん、Cinderella got the chance to go to the party and met the prince. The prince finally found Cinderella by one of the high heel shoes she left behind after 12 o’ clock. In the last, Cinderella lived a happy life with the prince.

I recommend this book to my classmates because it’s a well-known story and easy to understand. At the same time, it is interesting to read the story in Japanese, while there are not so many new unfamiliar words. So, it is pretty suitable for students to read.


シンデレラは有名な子供のストリーだから、私は子供の時 英語と中国語で読みました。ディズニーの映画も見ました。だから、ストリーはもう知りました。

シンデレラのストリーはもう知りましたけど、日本語でもう一度読むのが面白いです。この本の中で 新しい単語と漢字があるし、少し知らない文法もあるし、ちょっとむずかしです。でも、counterやshort formについていい練習だと思います。日本語一年生(春学期)と二年生におすすめです。


この本はとても面白いです。王様はお金が大好きだったから、たくさん新しい服を買いました。二人の悪い男はうそをついて、服を作りました。二人は頭がいい人だけこの服を見えと言っていました。However, they made nothing, but 王様 was not willing to admit that he was not smart, he went out to the street wearing nothing. Only a child told the truth that the king was wearing nothing.

I recommend this book to classmates! This book teaches people to be honest and brave even under the “king”, just like what the children did. Although there are some new vocabularies and grammar points for now, it’s not hard to understand with the cute manga in the book.



大豆はかわい本です。ちさい本です。でも、おもしろかたですよ。This book explains the importance and functionality of the soybean in Japan. It contains colorful pictures that compliment the information nicely so if one doesn’t understand the reading, they’ll still be able to grasp the main idea by use of the illustrations.

I would recommend this book to my classmates. It’s not only a great exercise in practicing your Japanese skills, but also quite informative! The only qualm I have with this book is the lack of text to make sense of. Each page consists of only 1-2 sentences. However, the Japanese skills needed to understand this book are very fitting of the Japanese 1 class. Enjoy!





This book is a sushi recipe book and it introduces so many different types of sushi and the ways to make them. Making sushi could be creative. Although sushi seems to be easy to make, but it could take years or decades to master it. There are some new and specific sushi vocabularies in the book, but with the pictures the book is easy to understand.




I would recommend this book for first year Japanese students. It is a very interesting tale, and easy to read. There were not many unfamiliar kanji or vocab.



This story was very fun and pretty. Momotarou was very kind because he handed out tasty dango so nicely and was friendly to every person/animal he came by.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes adventure and weird stories. The sentence structure we have already learned there a couple of words you may need to look up but its a very doable reading. The drawings are very cool too.




この本を読むとき, 私はびっくりしました. 私は英語で同様の本を読んだ。私は多くの文化がこの話をしていると思います。

This was a pretty good story. It had relatively simple words and sentence structures most of the time. If you like folktales, you might find this interesting.




I would definitely recommend this book. It was quick and fun, the story was engaging, and while there was enough kanji and new vocabulary to make it challenging, there wasn’t too much. Give it a try!




I would definitely recommend this book. It was quick and fun, the story was engaging, and while there was enough kanji and new vocabulary to make it challenging, there wasn’t too much. Give it a try!