


I would recommend this book to first year Japanese students, although there is a lot of new vocabulary and kanji. It is an interesting story and has repetitive enough grammar and sentence structures to be able to pick up quickly.

舌切り雀 (したきり すずめ)

この昔話は おじいさんと おばあさんのストーリーですが、こののは おばあさんは アンタゴニストです。鳥に チャンスを くれませんで、その鳥に ぼうりょくをふるいました。たくのりを れいつぶしか あげられませんでした。でも、おばあさんは いじきたなかったから、バッドエンドです。

This is an interesting story with unexpected plot twists every two pages. I thought it was a clever, creative way to teach us that what goes around comes around. And no, if you think you missed a page at the end, it’s really the end.



Because there was a lot of kanji, it looked difficult. But it’s actually not! Because Sakichi-san wants money, he visits Kannon-sama. Sakichi-san meets all kinds of people. With the previous books I have read, they were more interesting, so I did not really like this book. Fujisan is my favorite. But I recommend you read it regardless!




The book has many kanji and new vocabularies. It is not hard to understand because of the illustrations. The book talks about how the Fuji Mountain formed, why people loves Fuji Mountain and the plan to climb the mountain. If you want to go to Japan and visit  Fuji Mountain, I highly recommend this book.




Japanese people like Fuji Mountain a lot. Fuji Mountain is a symbol of hope for Japanese.
This book is really a good guide if you want to go to Fuji Mountain, it includes the forests and lakes nearby, and also introduces the history of Fuji Mountain.

If anybody is interested in going to Fuji Mountain, I highly recommend you read the book before you go to Japan.




Basically: Dude has beautiful wife and can’t stop looking at her, even to go to work. She gets tired of being broke and paints a self portrait that he can take with him to the fields where he works and look at it while he works. Everything is Gucci until the wind blows it away and it lands in Tono-sama’s castle. Tono-sama is smitten with one look. He sends out servants to find and bring her to him. As she’s being taken away, she gives a peach seed to her husband and tells him to plant it and in three years bring the peaches to the castle. I won’t spoil any more, but long story short they trick the lord and live happily ever after.


I think this was a great story for getting back into the groove of reading Japanese. The kanji aren’t too hard and the story is funny. I highly recommend this book for first years (who are looking for a reach) and second years (who are looking for a breather, or practice).



I recommend this book to anyone who would like to read a japanese folktale! The story line is very interesting and easy to follow. There are new vocabulary and grammar structures, but you can basically guess their meaning. The story also has a happy ending. Very educational and fun read!




I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a simple interesting story. I did not think that this book in particular had one really inspiring message, unlike some of the other graded reader books, however, hence the rating.




I would recommend this book. There were quite a few difficult words/kanji, as well as some grammar that we haven’t quite learned, but the extra challenge was part of what was so enjoyable! It was easy to figure out what that grammar meant, and words can be looked up. I enjoyed reading about the natural history of Mount Fuji, I liked having a slightly more challenging read, and I would definitely encourage others to try it out!


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This is an amazing book! It is a Japanese classic folktale about a hero’s journey. I had a lot fun in reading it and I recommend it to everyone who wants to challenge themselves. Because there were a few hard words and I had to check dictionary all the time. But still, I like this story very much.