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This book starts with a brief explanation of rakugo, before moving on to tell three short stories that might be found in a rakugo performance. I’d thought that I would only read one and put it down for the day, but ended up reading all three. Even without the performer telling them, they’re still entertaining. It’s not the easiest of reads, but I’d still recommend it to someone who was looking for a laugh.


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I would recommend this book to anyone interested in learning about cup noodles, karaoke machines, and the Walkman. They are all invented in Japan, and this book describes how they were invented. It is a very interesting book.




This book is a sushi recipe book and it introduces so many different types of sushi and the ways to make them. Making sushi could be creative. Although sushi seems to be easy to make, but it could take years or decades to master it. There are some new and specific sushi vocabularies in the book, but with the pictures the book is easy to understand.

芥川龍之介短編集 蜘蛛の糸鼻


There are two meaningful stories in this short story collection about the importance of selflessness and self-appreciation. I am surprised to see how the story about the long nose has some connection to our 多読 project.

日本の歴史のお話 前編



This book introduces the early Japanese history and I did find the book a bit little hard to understand because there are lots of Kanji and names. I think the book would be easier to read if you already know some Japanese history. I like this book because this is the first Japanese history book I read.




This is a heart-lifting book to read when you are having a bad day or as Yuko who recently had a fight with someone important in your life. Sometimes all you need is a positive mind and apologies and an accepting heart.



Comparing this level three book to the level two books I have read in the past, this story was a much bigger challenge. The topic is super interesting however, making it worthwhile to read. The story is about three famous historical people featured on the 1000, 5000, and 10000 yen bills and how they came about their fame. Because of the level of challenge the new vocabulary brings, and because this level three book is a lot longer than the level two books, only choose this book if you are up for a challenge and have the time to translate thoroughly!

ス―ラ デミア




This is a wonderful book for newer Japanese readers because it has amazing illustrations and a lot of furigana. I do believe, however, that the story is a bit complex. Read this book carefully because there are many twists and turns to the story! Overall, a good read.



私の一番好きな言葉は「二人は東京に帰りました。でも、おじさんのように、皺くちゃになった顔は、東京に帰っても、お風呂に入っても、直りませんでした。」それはおかしいでしょう。本の中で 答えを見つけてください。
じゃあ、みんなぜひcheck it outしてくださいね。




I recommend this book to anyone who likes learning about the mythology, history and culture of Japan or any other countries. It is not very hard to read, even though sometimes the stories can be very strange because they are so old, so that is a little confusing. However, the pictures help a lot and the stories are really interesting. Please read this excerpted version of the Kojiki to learn more about the mythology of Japan!