Category Archives: Programs & Events

“Viva Puerto Rico y Viva Mexico”

A few weeks ago, a student group organized a fundraiser for hurricane relief in response to the natural disasters affecting Puerto Rico and Mexico. With the support of the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life, a range of delicious Latin … Continue reading

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Ancient Standard Time

In September, Jewish students entered a slightly different time zone—Ancient Standard Time. Coming to school as Smith students, theirs was the season for back-to-school, classes beginning, and maybe Mountain Day. However, as Jewish students, September was also Rosh HaShanah, the … Continue reading

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Kicking off Family Weekend, the CRSL hosted a tea on Friday October 13th 2:30-4pm for contemplative practice, as well as to welcome questions from students and parents about CRSL. Director Matilda Cantwell opened the program by lighting three candles in … Continue reading

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Vigil for Natural Disasters and Climate Change

On Tuesday, September 26, students, faculty, staff, and community members gathered on Chapin Lawn to stand in solidarity with those affected by recent natural disasters in Mexico, Puerto Rico, the Dominica, Texas, Florida, and many other places. We also wanted … Continue reading

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Spiritual Life Fair

The Center for Religious and Spiritual Life organized a fair to help orient students and community members to what kinds of resources are available for religious community, spiritual exploration, interfaith interaction, and related activities at Smith. All were welcome to … Continue reading

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Collaborations Shape CRSL’s Spring Semester

The spring semester was a whirlwind of spirited activity. Many collaborative ventures stretched our intellect, consciousness, and empathy, including the Engaging Identity series with the Wellness Education Office; The Refugee Resettlement Project with the Jandon Center for Community Engagement; the … Continue reading

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Smith ServeUp 2017 Update

Nineteen Smith students along with about 65 from the Five Colleges, journeyed down to New Orleans this Spring Break with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship to spend a week serving the city and discussing the intersection of faith and social justice, while … Continue reading

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My Islam:
An Exploration of Identity

“My Islam 2017: An Exploration of Identity” was an open mic event for Muslim students and students racialized as Muslim. The program served to highlight the diverse experiences of Muslims and center those whose voices that are usually left unheard, … Continue reading

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London Launch:
Giving Students Vision Abroad

The Smith Christian Fellowship (SCF) is organized through a larger organization called Intervarsity, a Christian campus ministry with the vision “to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed.” For students who are abroad, Intervarsity coordinates weekend … Continue reading

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Reflections on “Resistance and Rebellion”

In response to the tense state of reproductive justice, The Steinem Initiative hosted a panel on February 1 in Weinstein Auditorium entitled “Visions for Reproductive Justice: Resistance & Rebellion 2017 and Beyond.” The Steinem Initiative—which, according to Co-director Joyce Follett, … Continue reading

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