Category Archives: Social Justice

Walking About Smith As Us:
Muslim Students’ Perspectives

First-year student Yacine Fall wrote the following paper for her English 118 course, “Youth Activism”; the assignment is to write a photojournalist essay on the life of a Smith student. She chose to look at what it is like to … Continue reading

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Conveying True Welcome

In these times of discrimination against immigrants, people of color, those seeking refuge, and so many other groups, in addition to a rash of gun violence and natural disasters which have displaced and traumatized whole communities this fall, it is … Continue reading

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“Viva Puerto Rico y Viva Mexico”

A few weeks ago, a student group organized a fundraiser for hurricane relief in response to the natural disasters affecting Puerto Rico and Mexico. With the support of the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life, a range of delicious Latin … Continue reading

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Sacred Space and Beloved Community

The Yoga aphorisms of Patanjali from the third century state “what we truly worship we make sacred.” This philosophy rings very true for me. I believe it applies to “worship” in the broadest sense: quiet, alert walks in the woods; … Continue reading

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The Sanctuary Movement: A Brief History

As a religious concept, “sanctuary” is connected to a sense of holiness and means to be “set apart.” The word sanctuary, when used in the context of political movements, has come to also mean places of physical safety, as in … Continue reading

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Reflections on “Resistance and Rebellion”

In response to the tense state of reproductive justice, The Steinem Initiative hosted a panel on February 1 in Weinstein Auditorium entitled “Visions for Reproductive Justice: Resistance & Rebellion 2017 and Beyond.” The Steinem Initiative—which, according to Co-director Joyce Follett, … Continue reading

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Statement on Refugee and Muslim Ban

The Smith College Jewish Community (SCJC) stands in strong opposition to Donald Trump’s executive order banning Muslims and refugees from entering the country. This executive order, signed on Holocaust Remembrance Day, is a haunting reminder of our obligation as Jews … Continue reading

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Student Advisory Board Strives for Inclusion and Advocacy

The Center for Religious and Spiritual Life’s Student Advisory Board is a group of students that gather to advise the Center on a variety of things. Part of our job is to help plan events, like vigils and contemplative spaces, … Continue reading

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Otelia Cromwell Day: Sonia Sanchez

The well-known activist, artist, academic, and author Sonia Sanchez gave the keynote address for Otelia Cromwell Day. Students gathered in John M. Greene Hall on November 3 to hear Sanchez’s address entitled “Activism in Art: An Afternoon with Sonia Sanchez,” … Continue reading

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Black Lives Matter:
A Global Decentralized Movement

The Meridians, a feminist and interdisciplinary journal, hosted a dialogue Friday, October 14 on the Black Lives Matter Movement in John M. Greene Hall as the keynote event of the symposium “When and Where I Enter.” The event was co-sponsored … Continue reading

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