Category Archives: Student Posts

Spiritual Places: Nature Walk

Never underestimate the power of a good walk. This week, feeling fatigued and exhausted, I decided to take advantage of the sunshine by squeezing in a relaxing walk in between my classes. Heading into the woods by Paradise Pond, I … Continue reading

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Lent Book Club:
Sunday Nights of Conversation and Engagement

A group of students gathered inside Bodman Lounge during Lent the past couple of Sundays to discuss Can You Drink the Cup? by Henri J.M. Nouwen. Each meeting students discussed various passages that stood out to them, leading to deeper … Continue reading

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Zazen Meditation:
Adapting to a Different Meditative Practice

We joined together in CC 102 Thursday evening to participate in Zazen Meditation, led by Sensei Catherine Anraku Hondorp, a Soto Zen Buddhist Priest and heal practitioner. Anraku Hondorp Sensei is also a Buddhist Community Religious Adviser for The Center … Continue reading

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The Power of Good Food

What’s a holiday without food? From Thanksgiving turkey to a Fourth of July cookout, certain dishes are symbolic of a national holiday.  Regardless of what you celebrate, food is an opportunity to socialize with friends and family, to communicate love … Continue reading

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Wednesday Weekly Vigil, Halloween Edition
Cultural Appreciation vs. Cultural Appropriation

On a cool and drizzling Wednesday afternoon at 12:20, a couple of students gathered on Chapin Deck by the Campus Center to participate in a special Wednesday Weekly Vigil. This Vigil centered on the issue of cultural appreciation verses cultural … Continue reading

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Black Lives Matter Panel: We the Protestors

On Monday, a conversation called “We the Protesters: Policy, Discourse and the Movement for Black Lives” was held in Weinstein Auditorium, hosting a panel featuring Fordham University Political Science Professor Christina Greer, Columbia University History and Sociomedical Sciences Professor Samuel … Continue reading

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Taking Time to Relax at Smith College:
A Challenge for Smithies

There is a certain intensity that comes with being a student at Smith College. Heavy workloads, constant deadlines and to-do lists, plus endless meetings for extracurricular activities can all take a toll on the average student. There is, however, an … Continue reading

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A Moment of Peace and Understanding through Turmoil:
A Buddist Meditation Experience

How many of you have participated in meditation? How many of you have attempted to meditate and found yourself struggling to silence the thoughts in your mind, or sit still for so much time? After participating in Monday’s 5:00-6:00 p.m. … Continue reading

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My Black Friends Laugh When I Tell Them I’m Black
30 Poems In November

I’m black! … your skin is light but I’m black! … well your hair is too curly but I grew up around all black people … yeah but you got mad Spanish cousins and y’alls accent gets too thick when y’all talk fast Anyways what chu know about being black? What chu know about slavery Your people didn’t go through Jim Crow or the middle passage Martin Luther King wasn’t your king. Rosa Parks did not sit for you. So what chu know about being black? You don’t even smoke weed! Or perm your hair When’s the last time you got a weave? If you can still get tan in the summer then you ain’t realllllyyyyy black You said you put sofrito in your ramen… Man you ain’t black! … Continue reading

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30 Poems In November

Vulnerable is selfishness severed from greed, pure frailty, pure need for anyone’s touch or finger- brush, anyone’s milky- synthetic feeding—Vulnerable plants itself in the ground and squalls new breeds of desire: pouting iris’ hung with orange seed— Vulnerable is in … Continue reading

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