Tag Archives: community

DACA Discourse and Action Panel highlights student voices

Many students, some Smithies included, have found themselves in the midst of political upheaval since President Trump’s move to rescind DACA. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program protects eligible youth from deportation. The administrative program implemented in 2012 by … Continue reading

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Reflections of the Sacred:
Interfaith Lunch

“United we stand, divided we fall” Students gathered together Tuesday afternoon over a delicious meal of soup and salad at the Interfaith Lunch. Center for Religious & Spiritual Life Director Matilda Rose Cantwell facilitated a meeting that aligned with the spirit … Continue reading

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Walking About Smith As Us:
Muslim Students’ Perspectives

First-year student Yacine Fall wrote the following paper for her English 118 course, “Youth Activism”; the assignment is to write a photojournalist essay on the life of a Smith student. She chose to look at what it is like to … Continue reading

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Spiritual Life Fair

The Center for Religious and Spiritual Life organized a fair to help orient students and community members to what kinds of resources are available for religious community, spiritual exploration, interfaith interaction, and related activities at Smith. All were welcome to … Continue reading

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Sacred Space and Beloved Community

The Yoga aphorisms of Patanjali from the third century state “what we truly worship we make sacred.” This philosophy rings very true for me. I believe it applies to “worship” in the broadest sense: quiet, alert walks in the woods; … Continue reading

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