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Tag Archives: Passover
Fear and Freedom: Hand in Hand
“The caged bird sings with a fearful trill, of things unknown, but longed for still, and his tune is heard on the distant hill, for the caged bird sings of freedom.” ― Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Here … Continue reading
Posted in Holidays, Interfaith Matters, Newsletter Articles, Reflections, Social Justice, Spirituality
Tagged Christianity, CRSL news, Easter, Jewish, Passover, worship
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Times of Captivity, a Time of Liberation
For the next two issues, our newsletter will focus on the theme of liberation. Passover, the holiday which began last night, April 8, commemorates the successful exodus of the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt. The COVID-19 crisis kept … Continue reading
SCJC celebrates Shabbat and fans the “radical flame”
The Smith College Jewish Community is an inviting and engaged group on campus, and they’re in the midst of hosting an array of events. SCJC recently hosted a special Shabbat service open to all; University of Massachusetts alum Molly Bajgot … Continue reading
Posted in Programs & Events, Student Articles, Student Orgs
Tagged CRSL news, food, identity, Jewish, Passover, Shabbat, Smith College Jewish Community
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The Glowing Influence of the Spring Equinox
by Emmett Wald
The spring equinox, which fell on March 20 this year, is considered the first day of spring, and is recognized as a holiday across many religions and cultures. The spring and fall equinoxes mark important moments in our orbit of … Continue reading
Posted in History, Newsletter Articles
Tagged Baha'i, Christianity, Easter, Hindu, Holi, interfaith, Jewish, New Year, Nowruz, Pagan, Passover, science
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A Smith Haggadah
On the evening of Monday, April 10, the Sanctuary in Helen Hills Chapel was filled with 72 singing, laughing, and reflecting students. The Smith College Jewish Community (SCJC) hosted a Passover Seder. It was the largest, happiest, most energetic ever. … Continue reading
Posted in History, Holidays, Newsletter Articles, Student Orgs
Tagged food, Jewish, music, Passover, Smith College Jewish Community
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