日本の けいざいか 地理の 学生だったら、この本は とても便利です。この本に、数字は 所の めんせき (area) や 人口 (population) と 人の高さについて です。世界の国の 数字が あります。たくさん ふりがなが あるから、やさしいです。
If you want to get to know numbers from Japan in context of the world’s figures, this is a great book to get to know facts. Each page can also serve as a flashcards for relevant vocabulary, since the first side of a page will show a drawing of a map of Japan and ask the reader what kind of figure will appear on the next page according to the figure that map shows.
注意:This book is read flipping the pages from left to right, like the Western style, not right to left, as Japanese books are usually organized.