
この本はすごくおもしろいです。あたらしいたんごとぶんぽうがあります、でも、ストーリーはむずかしくないです。たのしかったです。絵がきれいです。This book contains 4 jokes in a Japanese cultural context.

I recommend this book to Japanese 110 students, because the book is really fun to read and the grammar is really common and useful. There are some new words, but the pictures help me understand. Sometimes they didn’t use the polite forms of verbs because of the context. I found this useful, giving us an idea of the non-polite usage of Japanese language. Also the  jokes are ironic and reflective of some social phenomena, so I strongly recommend this book.

One Reply to “笑い話”

  1. 私もこの本を読みました。面白かったです。Especially the third story, お金がありません was more ironic and reflective than funny…

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