

In this book, Sara and her family went to Osaka. There, they ate lots of delicious food, and saw Osaka-jo.From Osaka, they went to Kyoto. In Kyoto, she drank a delicious Cafe Latte. She studies Japanese at Smith College, because she will speak Japanese in Japan.

This book was interesting to read. Since it is a personal story of a student, it was fun to see what she did in Osaka. The pictures were also nice, as they added to the authenticity of this book. There were a few words and kanji that I didn’t know at first, but it was easy enough to approximate the meaning from context and pictures. For this reason, and since it was interesting and informative, I would recommend this book to other first year students.

One Reply to “大阪でかぞくりょこう”

  1. This book seems very interesting as you have described in detail what the author has written. The travel stories and the pictures of food are attractive. I would really like to read the book.

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