この本はとても楽しいですよ。おじいさんとおばあさんはやさしくて、げんきです。誰もおじいさんの笠を買いません、でも大丈夫です。お地蔵さまは食べ物を送ります。おじいさんは笠を、地蔵のあたまにかぶせました。お地蔵さまはとてもかわいいです。I found this book to be adorable not only because of how the gods repaid the old couple so much more than what they received but also because of the heart-warming interaction between the old man and his wife. When the old man came back with no money but also no hat (because he gave it all away to the little gods), his wife did not scold him but instead agreed that it was a good act.
I will recommend this book to first-year students because although the Kanji part is a little bit more difficult, there are furigana and illustrations to help them understand.