
いい本だったと思います。本の中の女の子は、もの がたくさんある大きな家に住んでいます。でも、女の子はかなしいから、ぜんぜん言いません。りょうしんはりこんをして、女の子は お母さんといっしよ に小さくて、何もないアパートにひこうきします。女の子はさびしいですが、毎日男の子は女の子がいるまど に来て話します: “おはよう!”。それから、男の子は女の子に花をあたえます。そして,女の子は言います:”ありがとう”。

I would recommend this book. The kanji were very simple, and all had furigana on the side. The vocab was also very basic, but the storyline and emotions expressed were surprisingly profound. The illustrations also made it easier for the reader to follow the story, and they were pleasant to look at. It was a decently enjoyable read.



I would recommend this book to anyone interested in stories dealing with themes such as justice and friendship as well as anyone who is willing to learn new vocabulary and kanji.



Overall, it is a very light-hearted short story about John’s visit to Japan. John and Yuki are both very kind and silly. I would definitely recommend this book to other first-year Japanese students who are interested in an interesting and quick read!




I would recommend this book to beginner level readers. It uses a lot of beginner level vocabulary and sentence structures. It also teaches you about an interesting aspect of Japanese culture – how they celebrate the New Year.

5 Stars



#first year Japanese


この本の女の子ちょっと寂しかったと思います。この女の子は両親離婚したから、毎日元気じゃなかったです。そして、なにも話しませんでした。でも、ある日、一人の男の子は女の子に言っていました。女の子はとても元気から、話し始めていました。This story is about a girl who doesn’t talk because she’s lonely. She was lonely after her parents started fighting and got divorce. She didn’t talk and smile until one day, when a little boy gave her a flower.

I recommend this book because it is not very hard to read. It covers a lot of grammar we’ve learn before, and the content is actually interesting too.




I would definitely recommend this book! The explanations were very interesting, and the only difficult bits were the words/kanji for specific parts of the kimono. I had a lot of fun reading it, and I think others would enjoy it too.

森鴎外短編集 高瀬舟/最後の一句


こんにちは!今日は私は「森鴎外短編集 高瀬舟/最後の一句」と言う本を皆さんにおすすめします。この本は読み物シリーズのレベル四の本です。読むのはちょっと難しいと思います、私はよく漢字を知っていますけど。時々この本に出ていた単語と文法を分かりませんでした。この話は短編集なので、話が二つあります。二つの話は意味がある家族間の感受についていますから、好きでした。この本は短編だけでなく、大切なレッスンもありました。家族はいつも愛してください、どんな形でもいいです。日本語で話を読む、もっと日本のれきしと文学を知る、もっと日本を了解するのために、皆さんぜひ「森鴎外短編集 高瀬舟/最後の一句」を読んでみてください!

I recommend this book to whom feels comfortable with reading a lot of Kanji and new grammar. Both stories are meaningful.

世界のどこかで 日本のどこかで



I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who love to read interesting stories that happened in Japan or in the world. In this book, three main stories are told. The first story is about a crime in which 300 million Japanese dollars were stolen. In the second story, a Canadian man was able to exchange a house with a big paper clip. The third story is about a cat thrown from sky by an eagle.





I would recommend this book. The kanji were very simple, and all of them had furigana, so there shouldn’t be any problems on that front. The story itself was light and funny. Give it a whirl!