

I recommend this book to first year Japanese students. I like the drawings in this book and the story is touching. We have learned most of the vocabularies in the book and it’s a good practice for me to read this book.





チーズ スイートホーム

このほんのなまえはチーズ スイートホーム。このほんで、猫がいます。猫のなまえはチーです。小さくて、とてもとても可愛いです!私は、チーが大すき。このほんは、やさしくなくて、とても難しかったですが、おもしろかったです。このほんで、むずかしいたんごがたくさんあります。かんじもたくさんあります。ようへいやまだはチーのともだちです。ようへいくんはやさしです。ようへい君のお父さんとお母さんもやさしな人です。

This book is about a kitty who was taking a walk with her mother and siblings, and got lost. Youhei Yamada found this kitty and wanted to keep her, however he and his family lives in an apartment that doesn’t allow people to have pets. They kept the kitty secretly and the book described their life together. This book is really hard, and I could only actually understand a small part, the rest I had to guess through looking at the pictures. I recommend this book to everyone, because it’s really cute and it’s a joy to read.  🙂 However, it might be very hard for first year students to completely understand everything.


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この本はとてもすまらないです。The book describes numbers of things, such as average height, how many people live in Japan, how big Japan is, etc. There is no “story” rather it is like an informational pamphlet.

I would not recommend this book to read for fun. However, If you want to learn some Japanese statistics it would be a good choice.  Also if you wanted to read it out loud to practice counting.




The book introduces various kinds of sushi in different areas of Japan, history of sushi making, and also talks a little about how to make sushi.  Pictures are cute and helpful. As a foodie I really enjoy the book!

招き猫:Welcome Cats




I think this book was really cute. It wasn’t too difficult, but was still slightly challenging. There was some vocab we haven’t learned, but it wasn’t hard to gather the meaning from context or it wasn ‘t essential to understanding the story. It was really interesting to learn the story behind the welcome cats you see everywhere in Japanese culture! I would definitely recommend this book to any cat lover/history buff.




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I would not recommend this book on the basis of the story, as it was more factual than plot-based and therefore a rather dry read.  However, because this book contains so many numbers to discuss the statistics of Japan, including the country’s size and the average height of the Japanese population, I would recommend that students use this book to practice reading numbers.  I found that it was a challenging but helpful exercise to read the numbers out loud.  Additionally, the vocabulary was not difficult; unfamiliar words could be figured out with context of surrounding words or of illustrations.  Overall, the book was very educational and might prove helpful to students who struggle with numbers in Japanese.






It’s not that it wasn’t interesting or anything. It’s just that beyond the pictures, I didn’t enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed the other books I read. That said, the book is really really beautifully drawn and the sentences are really easy to follow. So I still recommend it to first year japanese students. It’s an easy read and you’ll appreciate the art!

ジョンさん バスの中で



ジョンさんはジーンズと髪を切るのが好きです。かっこいいと思います。でも、バスで、おばあさんはジョンさんはお金をあまり持っていらないと思います。So the old lady gives John some money to buy new jeans and fix his hair. This embarrasses John, and I found that really funny. There is another story about John being late for class because he overslept on the train. I found that both relatable and unrelatable at the same time. But it was very funny.

I recommend this book to other first years, though not when starting out the reading. The grammar forms are slightly difficult since we haven’t learnt them yet but they are still manageable.



This book is really good. It’s pretty easy to understand, and tells a popular story. I also recommend, if possible, going to see the actual statue. Even though I’ve been to Shibuya Station a number of times, I’ve never seen the Hachi statue…. truly 悲しい。