このほんのなまえはチーズ スイートホーム。このほんで、猫がいます。猫のなまえはチーです。小さくて、とてもとても可愛いです!私は、チーが大すき。このほんは、やさしくなくて、とても難しかったですが、おもしろかったです。このほんで、むずかしいたんごがたくさんあります。かんじもたくさんあります。ようへいやまだはチーのともだちです。ようへいくんはやさしです。ようへい君のお父さんとお母さんもやさしな人です。
This book is about a kitty who was taking a walk with her mother and siblings, and got lost. Youhei Yamada found this kitty and wanted to keep her, however he and his family lives in an apartment that doesn’t allow people to have pets. They kept the kitty secretly and the book described their life together. This book is really hard, and I could only actually understand a small part, the rest I had to guess through looking at the pictures. I recommend this book to everyone, because it’s really cute and it’s a joy to read. 🙂 However, it might be very hard for first year students to completely understand everything.