

This book is about ジョンさん going to Japan and his date with ゆきささん. I think the story itself isn’t that interesting, but the grammar, kanji, and vocabulary usage are really useful for Japanese 110 students, for it’s basically only using what we have learnt in class. So I highly recommend this book to Japanese 110 students. It’s easy to read and a good review for final exams.


冬のさんぼは とてもおもしろくて、すごくきれいでした。冬が すきです!

I really liked that story, the drawings were so pretty. I wish I was able to draw like this! The story was interesting as well even if it was sometimes hard to read because the black writing overlapped the drawings!

I definitely recommend this story!



I recommend this book. It talks a lot about the sushi culture. I learned all kinds of sushi and the correct way to eat and make sushi. I learned what 回転寿司 is. 新しい漢字があります。ちょっと難しですが、わかりました。挿絵は本当に助けましたから。


みつはさんは、ちよさんに、でんわをかけます。ちよさんは、みつはさんのてつだうとききました。すうがくのしゅくだいは むずかしいから。

This was a really easy book to read because senpai only used the grammar and vocabulary we learned. However, I felt like the story shifted a little too much from helping Chiyo with math homework to discussing what to eat. It felt like they were planning to go hang out instead. Therefore I gave the book four stars. But I highly recommend to 1st-year students.


この本はとてもきれいです。アートスタイルがだいすきです。でもジョンさんは、ゆきさんがすきですか。ゆきさんも、ジョンさんが好きですか。次のチャプターはどこですか。John meets Yuki while taking an airplane to Tokyo because they had the same manga. When they said goodbye to each other, they realized they accidentally switched their mangas between themselves. Three months later, they went to see a Kabuki dance together, but later realize they accidentally got the wrong date.

This book is, in my opinion, easier to read than 笠地蔵 because most of the kanjis are words we already learned, and many of the kanjis that people might not recognize are words we already learned, just not in kanji but in hiragana. I will recommend this book to the first-year Japanese students.

西町交番の良さん にわにわに?


The story is about a policeman who gets called to a house to deal with something pretty unusual: an alligator! It is a really energetic and fun story and the characters in it are super adorable and endearing. The final joke in the book is really unexpected but also super cute and funny!

I definitely recommend this book, especially to my fellow 1st year Japanese students. There are a few new vocabulary words but the illustrations make these very clear and the grammar structures are definitely ones we have learned. This book is well worth the very short amount of time it takes to read it!


I read 海の旅行, An Ocean Trip. The illustrations were very cute! Seven is very excited and animated, and it made reading the book fun. It was easy to understand the unknown kanji and tango. Overall, I enjoyed it!

I would recommend this book to other Japanese 1st year students, because of the simple grammar and easy to follow plotline. Although, more advanced students could also enjoy it, thanks to how good the pictures are!

ただいま 木村家の毎日


この本はとてもかわいくて、やさしです。It is about the 木村family. There are four people in the family: お母さん、お父さん、their daughter 由美、and their son 一郎。One day, あとで お父さんと由美と一郎はうちに帰ります、they prepare a surprise birthday celebration for お母さん!

This is a simple story with simple vocabulary and grammar structures. It is a great read for Japanese 110 students looking to refresh on the things we have learned in class. It is also just a very sweet story of a kind and caring family!


このほんは おもしろいです。日本の食べものが すきです!

This book is about the different forms of soya beans. I did not know they were so many ways of cooking these, and I did not know Japanese people eat them under so many forms! 日本人が えだまめとしょうゆともやしとなっとうととうふとあぶらを 食べます。すごいです!

This book was really interesting and they even made なっとう cute! I would recommend it for beginners because it is easily understandable. Of course, some words are unknown but they are guessable with the context!



This book talks about the cats that live in the Japanese city of Tashirojima. The illustrations are well done and the content is both interesting and easy to understand. むずかじゃないです!

I would recommend to level 0 readers and first year Japanese students because the vocabulary is fairly simple and the sentence structure is simple as well which makes it accessible to new Japanese-language learners.