
この本はおもしろくて、たのしです。It is about a place called 田代島(Tashirojima).  田代島でたくさんねこがいます。The cats and humans on the island get along very well and the cats are very happy there. たぶん、田代島にいぬをつれてきてはいきませんから!

I would recommend this book to my fellow first-year Japanese students because it is a quick (about 5 minutes) and enjoyable read, especially if you like cats! It also has very lovely and inventive illustrations.  However, I would recommend that it is not the very first Tadoku book you read as it is ちょっとむずかしいです。たくさんかんじがありますから。


この本はとても面白いです。お正月はとても楽しいです。漫画はかわくて、きれいです。お正月の歴史とカストムを知っています 。After reading it, you will get a sense of the custom and activities of the お正月 in Japan, which is a good way to learn more about the Japanese culture.

I will recommend this book to the Japanese first year students. Because the words and sentences are not that difficult, and you can finish reading it in five minutes with cute manga! Also, getting a deeper insight into the Japanese culture is really interesting.




I will definitely recommend this book to Japanese beginners. The pictures in the book are cute and the sentences are easy to understand with the manga. After reading it, not only would you learn some useful expressions, but also know more about the history and culture about beans in Japan.


きむらけの毎日 「おしょう月」

このほんは、とてもおもしろくて、たのしいです。I found this book really fun to read. It describes a traditional Japanese New Year’s celebration. There are many illustrations to help the reader understand what’s going on since some of the vocabulary is new.  The story is very cute and sweet.

I would recommend this book for level 1 Japanese students. It wasn’t too difficult and a really nice introduction to Japanese New Year. The sentences are short and simple and there are several Kanji that are taught by the second semester of Japanese 110 so it’s great practice. 




I thought this book was confusing at first but then I figured out that the girl was dead. I had a feeling that the taxi driver wouldn’t get paid but I had no idea that it would be because the girl was dead. I also found this book interesting to read because of the way ghosts and spirits are depicted differently in Japanese culture in comparison to American culture. I personally wouldn’t recommend this book to a friend just because it was pretty challenging to understand at first



John went to Sendai in summer break and stayed at Mori san’s home. After he came back to Tokyo, he sent Mori san’s child a gift. Few days later, he received a package from Mori san’s child. I am wondering what the package is. This book is easy to read, and it also tells a little about a traditional holiday in Japan, Tanabata. The illustrations are funny. I recommend it to JPN110 students.


Book Jacket


I would recommend this book to other busy first years. It’s online, so it’s easy to access. It’s on the longer side, but it’s still graded readers, so it’s not excessive. It’s not super engaging, but it has its interesting points.

木村家の毎日 「いただきます」


This book was fairly easy to read, but there were some vocabulary I didn’t know. This book teaches you about some of the Japanese table etiquette, so it was interesting. The pictures are also very cute. I would recommend this book to first year Japanese students, although it may be a little hard to understand on the first read through.


この本は大好きです。ちょっとちょっと難しかたですが、とても楽しかたです。たくさんかんじがあります。But most of them can be understood by the pictures and the context. I really love the story. Grandfather and grandmother are very cute and kind. It’s a touching story. Although it’s sad in the beginning., it has a happy ending. The pictures are pretty simple but well-drawn. Grammar is not difficult. There may be some grammar points that we haven’t learned, but the meanings are not hard to guess according to the context.


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I really like this book and this is composed of two little stories. このほんはとてもおもしろくて、やさしです。 キツネは頭がいいが、ネズミはとても頭がよくなかったです。ネズミは肉をを持って、歌いました。だから、肉はありませんでした。キツネは盗みましたから.

I really recommend this book to the first year Japanese students. By telling the stories in familiar adjectives and past tense we have practiced in the class, I feel more confident when reading the Japanese books. Also, this folktale about the fox and crow could be very familiar to many of us that always has been told in our childhood. As a result, it is a lot more easier for us to understand the story. But I borrowed it from Umass library so you may check this book online.