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Category Archives: Social Justice
A Note About The Use of Sacred Texts
Dear Friends, On behalf of the Smith College Center for Religious and Spiritual Life, I write to condemn the recent use of a sacred text to illustrate a political point. Christian scripture in particular has been manipulated to oppress black … Continue reading
Seeking Refuge in Uncertainty: A Rite of Passage for These Times
My college graduation was very strange. I had been accepted into the Smith College School for Social Work and was scheduled to begin the summer program there on June 4. This was, however, the very same day of my undergraduate … Continue reading
Posted in Reflections, Response Statements, Social Justice, Spirituality
Tagged campus news, community, CRSL news, spirituality, Vision
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Fear and Freedom: Hand in Hand
“The caged bird sings with a fearful trill, of things unknown, but longed for still, and his tune is heard on the distant hill, for the caged bird sings of freedom.” ― Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Here … Continue reading
Posted in Holidays, Interfaith Matters, Newsletter Articles, Reflections, Social Justice, Spirituality
Tagged Christianity, CRSL news, Easter, Jewish, Passover, worship
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Liberation Poetry
by Kim Alston
In this midst of this COVID-19 pandemic The Center for Religious and Spiritual Life invited members of the Smith community to reflect on the concept of liberation; what does it mean, how is it embraced, what can it illuminate? Smithies … Continue reading
Times of Captivity, a Time of Liberation
For the next two issues, our newsletter will focus on the theme of liberation. Passover, the holiday which began last night, April 8, commemorates the successful exodus of the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt. The COVID-19 crisis kept … Continue reading
Our Year on Climate Change: Overcoming the Stagnation of Fear
by Kim Alston
The climate crisis is a crisis for all of us. The massiveness of its scope can be frightening, even paralyzing. The completeness of it – that is has touched, or will touch, us all – also presents an incredible opportunity. … Continue reading
Otelia Cromwell Day 2019
by Kim Alston
Tribute to Adelaide Cromwell ’40 I met Dr. Adelaide McGuinn Cromwell in the mid 1980’s as a student at Boston University. Professor Gulliver, as she was known then, was my sociology professor in Afro American Studies, and one of only … Continue reading
Darkness and Light
There are verses in psalm 139 that I have used (to mix my spiritual metaphors) like a Zen Koan. “If I were to say that darkness will shadow me, then night would be light on my account…Night shines as day.” … Continue reading
Best Day Ever! Building Interfaith Community One Party at a Time!
by Kim Alston
This article represents reflections from Maeve Orlowski-Scherer ‘21, a student intern and leader in the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. By 5:30 p.m., everything was ready. The chairs had been pushed back to the sides of the Helen Hills … Continue reading
Our Year on Climate Change: Expanding the Golden Rule
by Kim Alston
CRSL is part of Smith’s college-wide initiative on climate change. Director of Religious & Spiritual Life and College Chaplain Matilda Cantwell discusses the impact of climate change and its connection to the work of the CRSL. My friend and colleague … Continue reading