I would recommend this series to anyone who want to know more about Japanese culture and Japanese daily life, and who want to experience a “culture shock” maybe. The vocabularies and expressions are easy and with the pictures I think first-year student can understand it easily.
This type of comic has become so popular in recent years! If you liked this one I would also recommend the manga “奥さま Guten Tag!” by Carolina Eckhardt. I am sorry that I have to disagree with you about the fact that you recommend it to first year students though. There are no furigana for any of the kanji and it has a LOT of kanji… for someone who also has not been to Japan or studied much about the culture, some of the references may be a bit difficult to empathize with or relate to.
HOWEVER, having said that… because it is such and adorable and amazing series (have you read #2 yet?), for anyone who wants to try to read it but feels discouraged by the kanji or the grammar, might I suggest watching the web series first?
Episode one is here and the rest can be found on YouTube:
Thank you for recommending this book! I am very much fond of Japanese culture and want to learn more. I also very much enjoy manga and read it with ease thanks to the pictures and explanations. I can’t wait to experience the culture shock you were talking about!
Thanks again!
The illustrations are so cute and lively. The topics that book discuss are really interesting, I hope to read it one day.
I liked the Illustrations a lot but the books grammar was a little hard for me to understand
I wanted to read this because I saw an interview with the author/illustrator on YouTube and thought it sounded really cool, but thought it would be too hard if I’m only a first-year in Japanese. Thanks for letting us know that first-years can read it, now I definitely will.