I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who wanted to read an eerie, gripping story that goes beyond the usual “happily-ever-after.” I am not that good with scary stories, but this book had just enough scary elements to keep me on the edge of my seat without making me want to put it down. There are a decent number of kanji, but the illustrations and dialogue make the plot pretty easy to follow, so I think an advanced second-year Japanese student could read and enjoy it.
I am glad to find a review of an “eerie” story! Based on your description of the balance of kanji and other elements, this sounds like a perfect fit for my reading level, which as you theorized is upper-level second-year Japanese. I also appreciate that you did not spoil too much of the plot in your description, so there is still plot for readers to discover on their own. Even better, I like that you gave different information in your Japanese and English descriptions!
Thank you for your review!