
この本が大すきです!!この本の中にかいでるえはとてもきれいでよむ時すごくたのしかったです!I really loved the layout as well, and I feel like with just a bit of cleanup, this could actually be a published picture-book.   私も今本をつくっていって、この本のlayoutをべんきょうしています。ストリはかわいいこども二人がさむい冬のあさに出掛けてぼうけんをするはなしです。It even tells a lesson of not giving up and the joys of a warm, loving home through its heartwarming ending. あまりむずかしくないですからよんでください!

One Reply to “冬のさんぽ”

  1. It seems like lots of people reviewed and liked this book, so I really want to check it out!

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