この本はとてもかわいくて、やさしです。It is about the 木村family. There are four people in the family: お母さん、お父さん、their daughter 由美、and their son 一郎。One day, あとで お父さんと由美と一郎はうちに帰ります、they prepare a surprise birthday celebration for お母さん!
This is a simple story with simple vocabulary and grammar structures. It is a great read for Japanese 110 students looking to refresh on the things we have learned in class. It is also just a very sweet story of a kind and caring family!
Yes, it is a fun book! I found it really refreshing and a good way to brush up on some basic vocab and grammar structures.
It sounds like a really cute book! Since it’s a Japanese Graded Readers Level 0, it’s good that it’s simple, and sounds like it would be good for my experience level.