森鴎外短編集 高瀬舟/最後の一句


こんにちは!今日は私は「森鴎外短編集 高瀬舟/最後の一句」と言う本を皆さんにおすすめします。この本は読み物シリーズのレベル四の本です。読むのはちょっと難しいと思います、私はよく漢字を知っていますけど。時々この本に出ていた単語と文法を分かりませんでした。この話は短編集なので、話が二つあります。二つの話は意味がある家族間の感受についていますから、好きでした。この本は短編だけでなく、大切なレッスンもありました。家族はいつも愛してください、どんな形でもいいです。日本語で話を読む、もっと日本のれきしと文学を知る、もっと日本を了解するのために、皆さんぜひ「森鴎外短編集 高瀬舟/最後の一句」を読んでみてください!

I recommend this book to whom feels comfortable with reading a lot of Kanji and new grammar. Both stories are meaningful.

世界のどこかで 日本のどこかで



I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who love to read interesting stories that happened in Japan or in the world. In this book, three main stories are told. The first story is about a crime in which 300 million Japanese dollars were stolen. In the second story, a Canadian man was able to exchange a house with a big paper clip. The third story is about a cat thrown from sky by an eagle.




Yes, I recommend this book to all first year students! It is a story about one meal of a warm Japanese family. It is not too hard. We can see how they use short form in daily life and see some everyday Japanese that we did not learn in class.




この本わシャロン先生のおすすめです。私わ日本に生まれて、6歳の時両親と妹とと一緒に上海にすんでいしました。日本の学校が勉強しなっかたで、じぶんの日本語わどのぐらいかわからないです。日本語をもとべんきょしたい、じぶんのレベルも知りたい、そのために、このほんをえらべたです。この本は十余ひとつのものがたりがあります。It covers from first-grade to fifth grade elementary school level stories (you can tell from the font size, smaller the harder I guess).




These two stories by Ryunosuke Akutagawa are really philosophical.

鼻 is about an old monk with a very long nose. He worries about his nose all the time but doesn’t want others to know about his worries, so he pretends not to care. The story ends up to be funny and satirical, as the old monk manages to shorten his nose but then decides that he wants the long nose back. Every one of us in real life is similar to the old monk, because we all care too much about other people’s opinions sometimes. If we let go such burden, our life will be much more easier.

蜘蛛の糸 is about a sinner who has done only one good thing when he was alive: he once chose not to step on a spider. The sinner is then given a chance to leave the hell by climbing up the thread of a spider’s web. When he almost gets to heaven, he saw other sinners climbing up as well and got very angry. As a result, the thread breaks and he sends himself back to hell again. The sinner is selfish, he hates to see other people leaving the hell even though that doesn’t affect his own chance to get out. Such selfishness is not uncommon in daily life, and this story should serve to give us some warnings.

The language is not hard and the stories are very intriguing. I would recommend this book to first and second year Japanese students.






I would recommend this book for third year and forth year readers. Kanji readings are always provided, but the language is quite native and hard to understand.