この記事を翻訳しながら、日本語と英語の言葉の違いやニュアンスや語感をに気を付けるつもりである。特に、科学の言葉の違いについて興味がある。日本語は漢字があるから、言葉を短縮しやすい。例えば、日本語の「国立天文台」は英語に翻訳すると「National Astronomical Observatory of Japan」のように長くなってしまう。多分、翻訳を続けながら、ほかにもたくさん面白い違いを見つけるだろう。この記事を分析しながら、単語や表現やトーンから日本の科学コミュニティについて何が学べるか、という質問をよく考えたい。多分日本とアメリカの科学コミュニティはたくさん面白い違いがあるだろう。その特徴を見つけたいと思う。
最初は、このような長い文である。「日本時間の2019年4月10日夜、国立天文台を含む世界16の国と地域の研究機関が共同で記者会見を開き、ブラックホールの「穴」の撮影に成功したことを発表しました。」日本語でも、これははるかに長い文である。動詞はやはり最後にくる。この文書を翻訳するために、小さい部分に分けて、ひとつひとつ翻訳して、英語の並び方を何回も考え直した。そして、「16 countries including the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and regional research institutions have announced in a press conference together that on the night of April 10th, 2019 Japan Time, they succeeded in photographing a black hole.」になった。この文で伝えたかったのは日本語の「プレスリリース」のトーンである。ふつうに、英語のプレスリリースはたいてい短く書かれるので、そのトーンを長い文で伝えるのが難しかった。
次の面白い部分は「この当たり前の疑問は、じつはまだはっきりとした答えが得られておらず、現代天文学の大きな謎として残されています。」である。日本語で、「得られておらず」はフォーマルなトーンがある。そのトーンを英語に伝えたかった。そのために、「has not been forthcoming」を選んだ。「forthcoming」は日本語の「得られておらず」の語感を伝えていると思う。
最後の部分は翻訳で一番深く考えたところである。「こんなことを聞けば読者の皆さんは「え?」と思いますよね?」はふつうに、日本語の科学文書で現れないだろう。トーンが科学的からもっと自然な感じに変わって、読者に直接話しているようである。それを伝えたかったので、「Hearing this, you are thinking “huh?” right?」にしたのである。「読者の皆さん」の代わりに、「you」を入れた理由は、日本語で、「君」とか「あなた」とかは失礼であるが、英語の「you」はそうではない。本間さんがちょっと読者と仲良くなりたがっている気がしたので、英語のフレンドリーな翻訳を選んだ。
史上初、ブラックホールの撮影に成功! https://gendai.ismedia.jp/articles/-/64040
本間 希樹, ブルーバックス編集部
つまり、ブラックホール(Black Hole)は、その名の通り「黒い穴」なのです。
たとえば天の川銀河の中心にあるブラックホール、いて座Aスター(Sgr A*)の場合、質量は太陽400万個分で、半径は1200万kmとなります。これは、地球と太陽の距離のわずか8%程度です。
こんなことを聞けば読者の皆さんは「え?」と思いますよね? なにしろ光さえ飲み込んでしまう、文字どおり暗黒の天体だったはずですから。
ランキングの堂々の第1位は、やはり天の川銀河の中心にある、いて座Aスター(Sgr A*)になります。当たり前なのですが、私たちの住む銀河系の中にあって距離が近いことが大きくものをいっています。
このような波長1ミリメートル前後の、ミリ波サブミリ波帯での地球規模のVLBI観測網の実現を目指すのが、EHT(Event Horizon Telescope:イベント・ホライズン・テレスコープ)と呼ばれる国際プロジェクトです。
“Event Horizon”とは「事象の地平線」を意味し、これはブラックホールが「事象の地平線」で覆われていることにちなんだ名前です。
Translated version of the article:
In a historical first, a black hole has been successfully photographed!
Humanity’s first look at a “black hole”
Mareki Honma, Bluebacks editorial department
16 countries including the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and regional research institutions have announced in a press conference together that on the night of April 10th, 2019 Japan Time, they succeeded in photographing a black hole.
The photograph is of the supermassive black hole in the center of the elliptical galaxy M87, located in the constellation Virgo.
The distance to M87 is approximately 55 million light years. The apparent size of the “hole” is about 1/100,000,000th of a degree. This can be compared to the size of a golf ball sitting on the moon’s surface, as viewed from Earth.
What can we learn from seeing the shape of a black hole for the first time, thanks to a global array of giant radio telescopes?
We will present an explanation of excerpts from the book “The Mystery of Black Holes” by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Professor Mareki Honma, the Japanese representative of Project EHT who delivered the announcement.
What is a Black Hole?
Black holes are very strange astronomical objects. In a few words, a black hole is “an astronomical object with such strong gravity that even light cannot escape.”
In this universe, the fastest thing is light, traveling at 300,000 km per second. At that speed, in one second, light travels around Earth seven and a half times.
Even moving at that unbelievable speed, light cannot escape from a black hole, so of course regular, slower, substances cannot escape either. Since light cannot escape, black holes appear to us as pitch black astronomical bodies.
So, as the name implies, black holes really are “black holes.”
How is a black hole such as this formed?
Actually, this is related to a star’s life cycle. In the event that an extraordinarily massive star (more than 30 times the mass of our sun) burns out, it is thought that at the center a black hole will be formed.
Black holes formed according to this process range in mass from a few times to 10 times that of our sun, the mass of ordinary stars. They are called “Stellar-Mass Black Holes.”
What is a “supermassive” black hole?
On the other hand, supermassive black holes have considerably more mass than our sun. Specifically, they vary from 1 million to, at the largest, 10 billion times the mass of our sun.
Both the place they exist and their quantity are very distinctive.
Stellar-Mass Black Holes are astronomical bodies that can form at the end of a star’s life, so they can exist anywhere a star might (for example the disk of a galaxy).
On the other hand, fundamentally, at the center of every galaxy is just one supermassive black hole. Thus, in the majority of galaxies, including our Milky Way galaxy, they are thought to be omnipresent.
If we begin to grasp that supermassive black holes are ubiquitous in every galaxy, the first big question that arises is “How did supermassive black holes like this come to form?”
In fact, a clear answer to this question has not been forthcoming, and as such it remains one of modern astronomy’s big mysteries.
Actually, supermassive black holes are relatively small
Compared to that of stellar-mass black holes, the mass of supermassive black holes is much greater, and their radii are similarly larger. By the way, compared to other astronomical bodies, these sort of supermassive black holes are not actually that big.
Having said that it is such a large supermassive black hole, it is not even the size of the solar system, and seen from the galaxy as a whole, it is no bigger than a dot.
For example, the black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, Sagittarius A*, has a mass of approximately 4 million suns and a radius of 12 million kilometers. This is only 8% of the distance between the Earth and the sun.
The brightest thing in space, even though it’s “black!?”
Furthermore, another surprising characteristic is that supermassive black holes are the “brightest astronomical bodies in space.”
Hearing this, you are thinking “huh?” right? At any rate, as the name implies, an astronomical body that consumes even light should surely be dark.
However, black holes are dark only when they exist alone in a vacuum. If a black hole exists in a galaxy, due to its strong gravity, it attracts gasses floating around.
As gas gradually begins to fall into the center, soon a spinning disk of gas (an accretion disk) forms around the black hole.
The gas, due to the gravity of the black hole, is accelerated into a rotational speed close to that of light. Under those circumstances, due to friction, the gas is heated up to an exceedingly high temperature and shines very brightly.
Inside these astronomical bodies thought of as “black holes”, there is something that shines brighter than a trillion suns.
To be sure, however, it is not the black hole itself that shines, but instead the accretion disk around it. Because the accretion disk is extremely close to the black hole, and it appears quite small, no one had tried to differentiate the two.
One more characteristic of black holes
In addition to the 2 components that I already explained (the main body and the accretion disk), black holes possess jets that radiate from the area around them.
“Jet” is a word used to describe a phenomenon where gas escapes at a high velocity while being squeezed into thin streams. In Japanese, it is generally translated as “噴流” (fun-ryuu).
The jet engines of an airplane are devices that create jets, obtaining their propulsion from that reaction. Or, to go with a more familiar example, the water from a squirt gun shoots out narrowly at a high velocity. You can think of this as a kind of jet.
A feature of black holes is that the emerging jets move at a speed close to that of light, and are narrowly squeezed to project out quite far.
How these sort of jets are generated, how they are accelerated to near the speed of light, and how they are squeezed out so finely remains a mystery.
Finally, a visible black hole
Many mysteries about supermassive black holes remain. The biggest reason is that through the observations up until now, black holes could not be visually resolved.
If a black hole could be carefully analyzed by photography, the “black hole” itself would surely be visible. Furthermore, if the accretion disk and jets surrounding the black hole were visible, understanding of the entire supermassive black hole system would rapidly advance.
In order to observe a black hole, the bigger the apparent size the better. Generally, the closest and heaviest black holes have the biggest apparent size and are the easiest astronomical bodies to observe.
With the scope of understanding gained from observations up until now, ordering black holes by their apparent size will create a chart.
Coming in squarely at #1 in the chart is the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, Sagittarius A*. Naturally, as it is at the center of the galactic system we live in, things a short distance away appear larger.
With a mass 4 million times that of the sun, since its distance is 25,000 light years away, its apparent size is 10 micro-arcseconds. Converting to units of degrees, that is about 1/400,000,000th of a degree.
In order to grasp just how small its apparent size is, please visualize the moon in your head. Then imagine that placed on the moon’s surface is a single penny.
If I said that 1/400,000,000th of a degree is the same as looking at that penny from the Earth, perhaps you can imagine just how small it is. The apparent size of the “largest” black hole is actually quite small.
A black hole’s “shadow”
In order to prove that Sagittarius A* is actually a black hole, what sort of observations should be made?
Strong evidence for the existence of a black hole is detecting the black hole’s “shadow.”
By definition, a black hole emits no light whatsoever. On the other hand, a black hole collects gas around it due to its gravity, and that gas shines brightly in the accretion disk.
Against the backdrop of this bright disk, the part of the black hole from which light does not emerge appears as a dark shadow and is thus called the black hole’s shadow.
Aiming for 3,000,000x vision
In order to perceive a black hole’s shadow, a more powerful telescope than ever before was needed.
For example, I have already stated that the apparent radius of the black hole Sagittarius A* is 10 micro-arcseconds, but the predicted size of its shadow is on the order of a few to 5 times that.
The telescope power needed to view this, if expressed in terms of our eyesight as measured in an eye exam, would be at least 3 million times more powerful.
(Translator’s Note: Japanese and American eye exams have different systems of measurement that are quite difficult to convert between. Japan uses a decimal system where anything below 1 is worse than average, and anything above is better than average. So, an eyesight measurement of 3 million would be extraordinarily good. I didn’t want to convert this into the American system, where 20/20 is normal, because that measurement actually means that for a score of 20/10, you are able to see things at 20 ft away that most people need to be 10 ft away to see. Because the American system incorporates physical distance, the conversion would be extremely misleading.)
A telescope’s power is established by the ratio of the wavelength of the observed electromagnetic waves and the aperture. The smaller the wavelength or the bigger the telescope’s aperture, the more finely the telescope will be able to resolve images, achieving more powerful vision.
With regards to a telescope’s aperture, by combining telescopes in places far away from each other, they can be used as one giant telescope – a technology called Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). If you use this technology, you can observe a black hole with a telescope the same size as the Earth’s diameter.
With this Earth-sized telescope, a wavelength of 1 mm or less is needed to observe a black hole’s shadow.
Contending with a telescope on a global scale
The international project known as EHT, the Event Horizon Telescope is aiming for the implementation of the VLBI global array observation network on the millimeter/submillimeter band, around a wavelength of 1 mm.
The “Event Horizon” is the term associated with where the black hole is concealed.
With the American Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University at the center, European countries such as Germany and The Netherlands, Asian countries such as Japan and Taiwan, as well as Mexico and Chile joining in, it is really quite the international project.
EHT’s participating stations are built in areas suitable for observation in the millimeter/submillimeter wavelength. The observation stations are in cold places with very little water vapor content in the air, such as on high elevation mountains or in intensely cold polar regions.
The researchers aiming to observe a black hole need the “survival ability” to live even at high elevations or in the freezing cold.
In Japan as well, we writers, with scientists from the National Astronomical Observatory at the center of our group, have already been participating in this international project for nearly 10 years.
No matter what the result is, the next few to 10 years will be a very fun and exciting era for supermassive black hole research.
To live in this era as researchers, and moreover to be able to be directly involved with a project like EHT, I believe that we as scientists are incredibly fortunate.
To all my readers, please greatly look forward to the arrival of the historic moment when a supermassive black hole is revealed.