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Category Archives: Social Justice
Reflection on Cromwell Day
by Kim Alston
I’m reading a book that I find interesting on the subject of race. It’s called Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life, written by scholar educators Karen E. Fields and Barbara J. Fields. As the title suggests race or … Continue reading
A Reflection
The Place Where We Are Right by Yehuda Amichai From the place where we are right Flowers will never grow In the spring. The place where we are right Is hard and trampled Like a yard. But doubts and loves … Continue reading
Posted in Newsletter Articles, Reflections, Social Justice, Spirituality
Tagged campus news, community, CRSL news, spirituality
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Memory and History
Memory and Historiography–the writing of history–are two forces that stand in opposition for the heart and soul of a people. Of the two, memory has much more power than history. I learned this from a small book I read in … Continue reading
Thankfulness as a Remedy for Change
by Kim Alston
There is a popular saying in Islam that Muslims use in their everyday interactions to give thanks, praise and glory to God. Alhamdulillah is an Arabic phrase translated as All praises are due to Allah. Muslims use it to show … Continue reading
Ruth Bader Ginsberg, a Tzadik
After Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, 11-year-old Micah Blay made a pilgrimage to the U.S. Supreme Court and blew the shofar for the hundreds of people gathered there. In keeping with Jewish custom, they laid small stones on the steps … Continue reading
Posted in History, Holidays, Programs & Events, Reflections, Social Justice, Spirituality
Tagged campus news, CRSL news, grief, Jewish, politics, world news
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CONVOCATION (Invocation) 2020, August 31, 2020
Smith College acknowledges and appreciates the fact that our College is built within the ancestral homelands of the Nonotuck peoples. We also recognize our present-day neighboring indigenous nations: the Nipmuc and the Wampanoag to the East, the Mohegan, Pequot, and … Continue reading
Posted in Programs & Events, Reflections, Social Justice, Spirituality
Tagged black lives matter, campus news, community, CRSL news, grief, hope, possibilities, race/racism, spirituality
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Understanding the Effects of Racial Trauma
by Kim Alston
Racial Trauma for Blacks is a prevalent phenomenon that cannot be disputed yet it is so commonplace that it has been normalized. Every day the U.S. global majority (an alternative term for people of color) face the damaging effects of … Continue reading
Why Now, and What Now? A Theological Reflection on the Fire of the Current Moment
Why Now, and What Now? A Theological Reflection on the Fire of the Current Moment “If not us, then who? If not now, then when?” –John Lewis God gave Noah the rainbow sign ‘No more water but fire next time. – … Continue reading
People of the Mask
My son is now a project manager for a large hospital system. Two weeks ago, he took on the task of getting remote communications and monitoring programs into ICUs so nurses could monitor Covid-19 patients without having to always enter … Continue reading
Posted in Interfaith Matters, Newsletter Articles, Reflections, Social Justice, Spirituality
Tagged campus news, community, CRSL news, Jewish, spirituality
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A Revolution of Rest: A Case For ‘Radical Renewal’
by Kim Alston
While I was brainstorming for this piece I found myself struggling to formulate something that hasn’t already been said about this moment of absolute turmoil. At first, I aimed to express something profound, original… politically galvanizing even. But quite quickly, … Continue reading