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Tag Archives: black lives matter
Reflections on Peace
by Anna Ostow
Peace Now: Not the Absence of Tension but the Presence of Justice; Not the Presence of War but the Absence of Weapons By Reverend Matilda Cantwell, CRSL Director and College Chaplain When I was seventeen, I had a purple T-shirt; … Continue reading
Invocation for Generating Justice and Joy Nov. 30, 2021
by Kim Alston
We are grateful that our earth has the capacity to take care of all living creatures. We affirm the importance of the humanity of all people. We are gathered to reconfirm our commitment to the seeking of this great concept … Continue reading
Mrs. New’s Tattoo
I remember the first time I really saw the numbers tattooed on Mrs. New’s arm. I had seen them before, but by 11 years old, I knew enough to really see them. I remember a 2 and a long chain … Continue reading
Thankfulness as a Remedy for Change
by Kim Alston
There is a popular saying in Islam that Muslims use in their everyday interactions to give thanks, praise and glory to God. Alhamdulillah is an Arabic phrase translated as All praises are due to Allah. Muslims use it to show … Continue reading
CONVOCATION (Invocation) 2020, August 31, 2020
Smith College acknowledges and appreciates the fact that our College is built within the ancestral homelands of the Nonotuck peoples. We also recognize our present-day neighboring indigenous nations: the Nipmuc and the Wampanoag to the East, the Mohegan, Pequot, and … Continue reading
Posted in Programs & Events, Reflections, Social Justice, Spirituality
Tagged black lives matter, campus news, community, CRSL news, grief, hope, possibilities, race/racism, spirituality
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Understanding the Effects of Racial Trauma
by Kim Alston
Racial Trauma for Blacks is a prevalent phenomenon that cannot be disputed yet it is so commonplace that it has been normalized. Every day the U.S. global majority (an alternative term for people of color) face the damaging effects of … Continue reading
Why Now, and What Now? A Theological Reflection on the Fire of the Current Moment
Why Now, and What Now? A Theological Reflection on the Fire of the Current Moment “If not us, then who? If not now, then when?” –John Lewis God gave Noah the rainbow sign ‘No more water but fire next time. – … Continue reading
Shooting a Virus Dred Feminist Rant #16
by Kim Alston
The corona virus exposes unmistakable crises in capitalism. While we reconfigure our expectations and lifestyles because of a virus few of us knew about three months ago, we endure this unimaginable crisis under a ruthless economic philosophy that sacrifices people … Continue reading
Posted in Reflections, Uncategorized
Tagged black lives matter, campus news, CRSL news, identity, national news, politics, race/racism, spirituality
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Spring 2019 Event Calendar
Friends, Below is the Spring 2019 event calendar! The Center for Religious and Spiritual Life encourages all students and community members to attend workshops, weekly programming, and events available to them. The CRSL is pleased to offer a variety of … Continue reading
The Legacy of Reverend Dr. King:
Where Do We Go From Here?
Twenty-two-year-old Stephon Clark was fatally shot by Sacramento Police in his grandmother’s backyard on March 18, 2018. If there is a vigil to be held in writing, let us do so now. The Center for Religious and Spiritual life held … Continue reading