Tag Archives: CRSL news

A Message from the Director

Dear Friends, Last spring Smith conducted a national search for the new leader of the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life, and I put my hat in the ring, so to speak, after serving as Interim Director for a year, … Continue reading

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Conveying True Welcome

In these times of discrimination against immigrants, people of color, those seeking refuge, and so many other groups, in addition to a rash of gun violence and natural disasters which have displaced and traumatized whole communities this fall, it is … Continue reading

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Welcome Across Faiths

What does it mean to really welcome somebody? Not just to say, “you are welcome here,” but to truly make a space feel welcoming and inviting to someone? We’ve chosen “welcome” as our theme at CRSL for the year, and … Continue reading

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Kicking off Family Weekend, the CRSL hosted a tea on Friday October 13th 2:30-4pm for contemplative practice, as well as to welcome questions from students and parents about CRSL. Director Matilda Cantwell opened the program by lighting three candles in … Continue reading

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Spiritual Life Fair

The Center for Religious and Spiritual Life organized a fair to help orient students and community members to what kinds of resources are available for religious community, spiritual exploration, interfaith interaction, and related activities at Smith. All were welcome to … Continue reading

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Collaborations Shape CRSL’s Spring Semester

The spring semester was a whirlwind of spirited activity. Many collaborative ventures stretched our intellect, consciousness, and empathy, including the Engaging Identity series with the Wellness Education Office; The Refugee Resettlement Project with the Jandon Center for Community Engagement; the … Continue reading

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New Director of Religious and Spiritual Life and College Chaplain

The Reverend Matilda Rose Cantwell has assumed the position of Director of Religious & Spiritual Life and College Chaplain at Smith College. She served as the interim director at the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life for the last year … Continue reading

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A Bright Future for SCJC

Jewish student life at Smith is in a phase of growth and vibrancy. In the two years since the group officially changed its name from Smith Hillel to the Smith College Jewish Community (SCJC), the organization has grown exponentially. Shabbat … Continue reading

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Sacred Space and Beloved Community

The Yoga aphorisms of Patanjali from the third century state “what we truly worship we make sacred.” This philosophy rings very true for me. I believe it applies to “worship” in the broadest sense: quiet, alert walks in the woods; … Continue reading

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“Sanctuary” at the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life

  The meaning of “sanctuary” has evolved significantly over the approximately seven centuries since the word was first coined. The English word comes from the Latin “sanctuarium,” which in turn is derived from “sanctus,” an adjective meaning “holy.” In its … Continue reading

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