世界のどこかで 日本のどこかで 〜本当にあった話〜



I found this book a lot more engaging than I had expected, although it’s a bit of a strange combination of stories. I think knowing that the stories are true makes them more enjoyable. Fair warning: at the end there is a story about a cat that made my cry a little bit.

I think the vocabulary might be too challenging for first or second year Japanese students, unless they can read a lot of kanji. Overall I would recommend it.

One Reply to “世界のどこかで 日本のどこかで 〜本当にあった話〜”

  1. 正直に言うとブックカバーも見ると、ちょっと変かなと思って、読みませんでした(笑)でも、ルーシーさんの投稿を読むと、面白そうですね。読んでみます!ご投稿ありがとうございました。

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