Dahl, Rita. (Finnish) Rita Dahl, “I. (a bus crawls…).” 20:1, 45.

Dahlgren, Marta. (English into Spanish) Emily Dickinson, “After Great Pain.” 10:2, 108.
—(English into Spanish) Dickinson, “My Life Had Stood—A Loaded Gun.” 10:2, 108.
—(English into Spanish) Dickinson, “The Auctioneer of Parting.” 10:2, 110.
—“An Introduction to Galician Poetry.” 22:1-2, 14.
—(Galego) Manuel María, “Ode a beleza da palabra (Ode to the Beauty of Words).” 22:1-2, 42.
—(with Carys Evans-Corrales). (Galego) Salvador García-Bodaño, “Those mornings when there was music II.” 22:1-2, 57.
—(Galego) Manuel Rivas, “Suicidio campesino (Those Who Die on the Land).” 22:1-2, 80.
—(Galego) Rivas, “Agua na man (Water in His Hands).” 22:1-2, 80.
—(with Evans-Corrales). (Galego) María Lado, “Paxaros e maceiras (Birds and Apple-Trees).” 22:1-2, 122.

Dairon, Pierre. (French) “Review: Beverly Matherne. Lamothe-Cadillac: Sa Jeunesse en France. Suite de poèmes en prose en francais et en anglais.18:1, 234.

Dalton, Mary. (Italian) Elena Clementelli, “Etruscan Notebook (Quaderno Etrusco).” 25:2, 72.

Danby, Jennifer Renee (and Roxana Huhulea). “Hélène Cixous’s Tambours Sur La Digue.” 9:1, 214.

Daniel, Mary L. (Portuguese) Joao Anzanello Carrascoza, “The Blue Vase.” 24:1-2, 105.

Danon, Samuel. (French) “Villon’s Epitaph (Ballad of the Hanged).” 16:1, 194.
—(French) François Villon, “Ballade of the Ladies of Long Ago.” 20:2, 30.
—(French) Villon, “Ballade of the Lords of Long Ago.” 20:2, 34.
—(French) Villon, “Another Ballade.” 20:2, 36.
—(French) Villon, “Ballade: A Prayer To Our Lady.” 23:1, 126.
—(French) Villon, “Ballade to his Girlfriend.” 23:1, 128.
—(French) Eugene Guillevic, “The Flower.” 25:2, 102.
—(French) Guillevic, “Sparrowhawk.” 25:2, 108.

Daube, David. “On English Spelling.” 6:1, 154.
—“Shakespeare on Aliens Learning English.” 6:2, 70.

Daube, Mina. (Bulgarian) Blaga Dimitrova, poems. 7:2, 16.
—(Bulgarian) Rumiana Zakharieva, poems. 7:2, 24.

Dauber, Jeremy (and Joel Berkowitz). “Translating Yiddish Dramas of the Jewish Enlightenment.” 9:1, 90.

Daval, Stephanie. (French) Tchicaya U Tam’si, “The Whirlwind.” 5:1, 111.

Davis, Craig. “The Earliest Arthurian Poems in Welsh.” 13:2, 128.
—“Some Observations on “Wulf and Eadwacer” (From the 10th Century CE Exeter Book.) 25:2, 52.

Davison, Chad (with Marella Feltrin-Morris). (Italian) “Five African Poets.” 14:1-2, 191.

De Luca, Raymond. (Russian) Oleg Khafizov, “Loop the Loop.” 27:1, 118.

Deligiorgis, Stavros. (Greek) Kay Cicellis, “The Dance of the Hours.” 10:2, 267.
—Michel Fais, “Apricot Cheeks, Rockcherry Lips.” 10:2, 280.

Denboer, James. “Kharjas from Muwashshahat in Arabic and Hebrew.” 15:1-2, 166.

Dersofi, Nancy. “Translating Ruzante’s Obscenities.” 6:1, 4.

ní Dhomhnaill, Nuala. (Bosnian) Ferida Durakovic, “Book of Dreams.” 12:1-2, 100.
—(English and Bosnian into Irish) Durakovic, “From the Textbook of Slavic Mythology.” 12:1-2, 101.
—(English and Bosnian) Durakovic, “From the Textbook of Slavic Mythology.” 12:1-2, 103.
—(Bosnian into Irish) Durakovic, “Georg Trakl on the Battlefield Revisited, 1993.” 12:1-2, 105.
—(Bosnian into English) Durakovic, “Georg Trakl on the Battlefield Revisited, 1993.” 12:1-2, 106.
—(Bosnian) Durakovic, “Good Evening the Guest is Gone.” 12:1-2, 107.
—(English and Bosnian into Irish) Durakovic, “It’s April.” 12:1-2, 108.
—(Bosnian) Durakovic, “It’s April.” 12:1-2, 110.
—(Bosnian) Durakovic, “November, Raging Through Rooms.” 12:1-2, 111.
—(Bosnian) Durakovic, “On What I Have Known for a Long Time.” 12:1-2, 112.
—(Bosnian) Durakovic, “The Writer Contemplates His Homeland While a Famous Postmodernist Enters the City.” 12:1-2, 113.
—(Irish) Nuala ní Dhomhnaill, “Labysheedy (The Silken Bed).” 12:1-2, 244.

Dianat, Firouzeh (and Stephanie Fauver). (Persian) Serajaddin Banagar, “A Farsi Version of a Kurdish Folk Tale: Lazy Ahmad and the King’s Daughter.” 18:1, 192.

Dickow, Alexis. (French) Guillaume Apollinaire, “Song of the Unrequited Lover.” 25:2, 22.
—(French) Apollinaire, “Sung for Laetre One Year Ago.” 25:2, 26.
—(French) Apollinaire, “The Zaporozhain Coassack’s Answer to the Sultan of Constantinople.” 25:2, 28.
—(French) Apollinaire, “The Seven Swords.” 25:2, 35.

Dienes, Claire (and Ian Brownlie). (Russian) Gaito Gazdanov, “Princess Mary.” 4:2, 8.

DiGiacomo, Susan M. (Catalan) Montserrat Roig, “Before the Cival War.” 12:1-2, 175.

DiMaio, Alessandra. (Italian) Ubax Cristina Ali Farah, “Entirely.” 14:1-2, 269.

Dimova, Polina Dimcheva “An Introduction to the Poet.” 9:2, 182.
—(Bulgarian) Konstantin Pavlov, poems. 9:2, 184.

Dixon, John S. (French) Tristan Cabral, poems. 5:1, 64.

Djin, Yana. (Russian) Vladimir Gandelsman, poems. 7:2, 154.

Donnelly, Patrick (with Stephen Miller). (Japanese) Shakkyô-Ka, “From Japanese Imperial Anthologies.” 16:2, 49.

Doss-Quimby, Eglal. (Provençal) “Songs of the Women Trouvères.” 6:1, 132.
—(with Samuel N. Rosenberg). (Old French) “Three Anonymous Old French Ballettes.” 13:2, 114.

Dougali, Timoklia (with Apostolaki, Katerina, Panagopoulou, Stella, Patera, Angelikí, Martínez Rodríguez, María José, Asouti, Varvara, Basakou, Tatiana, and Papatheodorou, Afroditi). (Spanish to Modern Greek) Xánath Caraza, “I. Llueve en el fosforescente verde matutino.” 27:1, 70.

—(Spanish to Modern Greek) Caraza, “III. Cazo la luna azul de julio.” 27:1, 72.

—(Spanish to Modern Greek) Caraza, “VI. El viento no quiere soplar.” 27:1, 74.

—(Spanish to Modern Greek) Caraza, “XIII. Lacustre vida soy.” 27:1, 76.

—(Spanish to Modern Greek), Caraza, “XXX. Líquido sentir en esta tarde de invierno.” 27:1, 78.

Dubrava, Patricia. (Spanish) Mónica Lavín, “The Letter.” 20:2, 178.

DuVal, John. “The First Author.” 11:2, 222.
—(with Louise Rozier). Giorgio Roberti, “Sonnets from ‘Na zeppa a l’occhio / A Stick in the Eye.” 14:1-2, 128.
—(French) François Villon, “Bequest of a Ballade for Villon’s Mother to Pray to our Lady in her Own Words.” 18:2, 96.
—(French) Villon, “Bequest of a Ballade for Fat Margot.” 18:2, 100.