
Barletta, Vincent. (Portuguese) Altair Martins, “Two Chapters from the Novel The Wall in the Dark.” 24.1-2, 188.


Barros, Sandro. (Portuguese) Ronaldo Bressane, “The Cyber-Monkeys of Lokombia.” 24.1-2, 72.


Bebiano, Adriana. (Italian into Portuguese) Mario Materassi, “Niente di Personale. Assolutamente Niente di Personale.” 11.2, 164.


Carlsen, Ivana. (Portuguese) Miguel Torga, “Alma Grande.” 2.1, 13.


Castro, Paul Meloe. (Portuguese) Vimala Devi, “Nâttak.” 18.1, 44.

—(Portuguese) Epitácio Pais, “Munu.” 20.2, 135.

—(Portuguese) Maria Elsa da Rocha, “The Bangle Seller.” 23.2, 178.


Cutler, Charles. (Portuguese) Carlos Drummond de Andrade, poems. 8.2, 96.
—(Portuguese) Adília Lopes, “O pulso da Lillian Gish.” 10.2, 157.
—(Portuguese) Lopes, “As rosas com bolores.” 10.2, 159.
—(Portuguese) Lopes, “O presente.” 10.2, 161.
—(Portuguese) Lopes, “‘Por exemplo, nunca convidei uma barata para lanchar comigo.’ Clarice Lispector.” 10.2, 167.
—(Portuguese) Lopes, “A Elisabeth foi-se embora (com algumas coisas de Anne Sexton).” 10.2, 169.
—(Portuguese) Lopes, “Uma afirmacao de Pessoa sobre Milton.” 10.2, 171.
—(Portuguese) Lopes, “Uma historia de bailarinas.” 10.2, 173.
—(Portuguese) Lopes, “Os papelotes.” 10.2, 177.


Daniel, Mary L. (Portuguese) Joao Anzanello Carrascoza, “The Blue Vase.” 24.1-2, 105.


Eglin, Laura Cesarco. (Portuguese) Maria Alzira Brum Lemos, “Rhapsody for Body (A Set Theory).” 24.1-2, 150.


Entrekin, Alison. (Portuguese) Luiz Ruffato, “Scars – A Football Story.” 24.1-2, 262.


Ferreira, Carla Alexandra. (Portuguese) Tania Pellegrini, “A Trace of Blood: Marcal Aquino and the New Realism.” 24.1-2, 64.


Francisco, Reginaldo (with Michael Katz consulting). (Portuguese) Beatriz Resende, “Flavio Carneiro’s Multiplicity.” 24.1-2, 96.


Garcia, Rosalia. (Portuguese) Simões Lopes Neto, “Marshland.” 23.2, 261.


Gledson, John. (Portuguese) Milton Hatoum, “Eve’s Verandas.” 24.1-2, 137.


Green, Sarah. (Portuguese) Adriana Lisboa, “Vivid Red Roses (Excerpt from Symphony in White.” 24.1-2, 173.


Guyer, Leland. (Portuguese) Flavio Carneiro, “Cassia & Liberio.” 24.1-2, 89.


Harrison, Marguerite Itamar. (Portuguese) Zulmira Ribeiro Tavares, “Pequena Mulher a Caminho.” 10.2, 183.
—(Portuguese)Taveres, “Um Assassino.” 10.2, 183.
—(Portuguese)Taveres, “Doutor em Filosofia e a Manicure de Doutores.” 10.2, 183.
—(Portuguese) Adriana Lunardi, “Victoria.” 20.2, 147.
— (Portuguese) Marcelino Freire, “Civil Union (Chapter 9 from Amar à Crime).” 25.1, 142.
— “Review: Zulmira Ribeiro Tavares, Vesuvio [Vesuvius]. Bilingual edition. Translated from the Portuguese and with a preface by Hugh Hazelton.” 25.2, 335.


Hill, Chloe. (Portuguese) Hilda Hilst, poems. 21.2, 82.


Houlihan, J. Z. (Portuguese) Fernando Pessoa, “Oblique Rain.” 20.1, 123.


Igrejas, António. (Portuguese) Teolinda Gersão, “The Reader.” 16.1, 234.


Jackson, Elizabeth. (Portuguese) Joao Almino, “Excerpt from The Book of Emotions.” 24.1-2, 28.


Kaplan, Hilary B. (Portuguese) Claudia Roquette-Pinto, “Mother’s Day.” 21.2, 94.
—(Portuguese) Roquette-Pinto, “How to Open a Man.” 21.2, 94.


Katz, Michael (consulting for Reginaldo Francisco). (Portuguese) Beatriz Resende, “Flavio Carneiro’s Multiplicity.” 24.1-2, 96.


Krummrich, Philip. (Portuguese) Anonymous, “King Ramiro of the Legend of Gaia.” 13.1, 257.
—(Portuguese) Anonymous, “The Goat-Footed Lady.” 13.1, 264.
—(Portuguese) Anonymous, “The Legend of King Lear.” 13.1, 266.
—(Portuguese) Anonymous, “The Woman of the Sea or The Legend of the Marinhos.” 13.1, 267.
—(Portuguese) Paula Gândara, “Coimbra, the Unfamiliar Memory.” 20.2, 76.
—(Portuguese) Gândara, “Photographs.” 20.2, 78.
—(Portuguese) Gândara, “Belém Pier.” 20.2, 80.


Larkosh, Christopher. (Portuguese) Joao Gilberto Noll, “Two Stories from the Collection A maquino de ser.” 24.1-2, 227.


Lázaro, Reyes. (with Moon). (Portuguese) Joseba Sarrionandia, “Message for Bernardo Atxaga.” 12.1-2, 190.


Lehnen, Leila. (Portuguese) Marcal Aquino, “The Precise Distance from the Vulva to the Heart.” 24.1-2, 48.


Levitin, Alexis. (Portuguese) Eugenio de Andrade, poems. 3.1, 118.
—(Portuguese) de Andrade, poems. 4.1, 80.
—(Portuguese) Alberto de Lacerda, “Five Poems by Alberto de Lacerda.” 4.2, 90.
—(Portuguese) Irene Lisboa, poems. 6.1, 82.
—(Portuguese) “Sonnets from the Portuguese.” 7.1, 129.
—(Portuguese) Fiama Pais Brandão, poems. 8.2, 112.
—(Portuguese) Rosa Alice Branco, poems. 9.2, 48.
—(Portuguese) Carlos de Oliveira. “Estalactite” 10.2, 144.
—(Portuguese) Sophia de Mello Breyner Andrese, “Cultural Activist.” 13.2, 58.
—(Portuguese) Andrese, “Balcones.” 13.2, 58.
—(Portuguese) Andrese, “The Infante.” 13.2, 60.
—(Portuguese) Andrese, “Eyes.” 13.2, 60.
—(Portuguese) Andrese, “The Poem and the House.” 13.2, 62.
—(Portuguese) Gastão Cruz, “The Swimmer.” 16.1, 160.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “Song of Waves.” 16.1, 160.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “A Chripling of Birds in the Lagoon.” 16.1, 162.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “The Four Seasons.” 16.1, 164.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “Distance.” 16.1, 164.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “Cool Lemons.” 16.1, 166.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “Two Orchards (Estoi).” 16.1, 166.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “Algarve.” 16.1, 168.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “Song.” 16.1, 170.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “Clouds.” 16.1, 170.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “When the Sun Comes Up.” 16.1, 170.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “Boats on the Lagoon.” 16.1, 172.
—(Portuguese) Astrid Cabral, “River of Yesteryear.” 17.2, 32.
—(Portuguese) Cabral, “First Mirror.” 17.2, 36.
—(Portuguese) Salgado Maranhão, “Lagoon.” 18.2, 24.
—(Portuguese) Maranhão, “Of the Sea I.” 18.2, 24.
—(Portuguese) Maranhão, “Ecstasy.” 18.2, 26.
—(Portuguese) Maranhão, “The Swamp.” 18.2, 28.
—(Portuguese) Maranhão, “If, If.” 18.2, 30.
—(Portuguese) Maranhão, “Sparks.” 18.2, 30.
—(Portuguese) Maranhão, “Corollary.” 18.2, 32.
—(Portuguese) Maranhão, “The Bobbin.” 18.2, 34.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “Youths at the Entrance to the Chiado.” 20.2, 68.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “Under the Sun.” 20.2, 70.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “Note.” 20.2, 70.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “The Name of that Body.” 20.2, 70.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “Ebb Tide.” 20.2, 72.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “Task.” 20.2, 72.
—(Portuguese) Cruz, “Oxymorons for an Absence.” 20.2, 74.
—(Spanish) Carmen Váscones, poems. 21.2, 100.
—(Spanish) Ana Minga, poems. 21.2, 104.
—(Portuguese) Ruy Belo, “Anniversary Mass.” 23.1, 84.
—(Portuguese) Ruy Belo, “The Grandeur of Man.” 23.1, 86.
—(Portuguese) Belo, “Misery and Grandeur.” 23.1, 86.
—(Portuguese) Maranhão, “2 … and to what hands do i dedicate.” 23.2, 86.
—(Portuguese) Maranhão, “4 Beneath the small appeals of this.” 23.2, 86.
—(Portuguese) Maranhão, “Interfaces.” 23.2, 88.
—(Portuguese) Branco, “27. (They flay rabbits).” 25.1, 14.
—(Portuguese) Branco, “29. (The men’s hands would graze).” 25.1, 14.
—(Portuguese) Branco, “36. (In the winter there was no reason).” 25.1, 16.
—(Portuguese) Branco, “38 (In the summer the rooms).” 25.1, 16.
—(Portuguese) Branco, “39. (Sometimes it was known).” 25.1, 18.
—(Portuguese) Branco, “40. (It smelled of immaculate wax).” 25.1, 18.
—(Portuguese) Branco, “45. (The skylights can blind us).” 25.1, 20.
—(Portuguese) Maranhão, “Lamentation and/or Verbal Negatives.” 25.1, 60.


Lorenz, Johnny. ((Brazilian) Portuguese) Armindo Trevisan, “The Prodigal Son.” 16.2, 158.
—((Brazilian) Portuguese) Trevisan, “The Newspaper.” 16.2, 160.
—((Brazilian) Portuguese) Mario Quintana, “The Map.” 16.2, 162.


Lowe, Elizabeth. (Portuguese) Nelson de Oliveira, “Beatrice (Excerpt from Babel Babilonia).” 24.1-2, 243.


Martins, Maria Lúcia Milléo. (Portuguese) Carlos Drummond de Andrade, “Landscape: How to Make It.” 5.1, 72.
—(English into Portuguese) Melinda Kennedy, “Autobiography.” 6.1, 80.


McElroy, Isis. (Portuguese) Cintia Moscovich, “The Fiddler and the Roof.” 24.1-2, 206.


McNee, Malcolm. (Portuguese) Francisco Alvim, “Also, As a Matter of Fact, Only.” 18.2, 36.
—(Portuguese) Alvim, “Old Men.” 18.2, 36.

—(Portuguese) Alvim, “Elephant.” 18.2, 38.

—(Portuguese) Alvim, “Remember?” 18.2, 38.

—(Portuguese) Alvim, “Ants.” 18.2, 38.

—(Portuguese) Alvim, “Wanna See?” 18.2, 40.

— (Portuguese) Josely Vianna Baptista, “Author’s Note on the Celestial Blue Words.” 24.1-2, 17.

— (Portuguese) Baptista, “The Ancient Rites of the Hummingbird.” 25.2, 24.

— (Portuguese) Baptista, “Baroque Garden.” 25.2, 26.

— (Portuguese) Sergio Medeiros, “Bororo Hunting Song.” 25.2, 29.

— (Portuguese) Medeiros, “Animal Spirits.” 25.2, 34.

— (Portuguese) Medeiros, “Song of the Emergence of the Ancestors.” 25.2, 40.

— (Portuguese) Medeiros, “Untitled Poem.” 25.2, 46.


McNeil, Rhett Warren. (Portuguese) Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis, ” On the Ark: Three Unpublished Chapters from Genesis.” 18.1, 59.


McNerney, Dan. (Portuguese) Luís de Camões, “Mote Alheio.” 20.2, 66.
—(Portuguese) de Camões, “Voltas Próprias.” 20.2, 66.


Moon, Sarah (with Reyes Lázaro). (Portuguese) Joseba Sarrionandia, “Message for Bernardo Atxaga.” 12.1-2, 190.


Prigann, Aisha. (Portuguese) Miguel Alberto Koleff, “Translating the Discursive Postmodernity of Nelson de Oliveira’s Fiction.” 24.1-2, 256.


Resnick, Clay. (Portuguese) Carlos Trigueiro, “At Home with the Colonel.” 16.1, 41.


Rodrigues, Lidio. (Portuguese) Miguel Conde, “Moving Worlds: Time and Feeling in Joao Anzanello Carrascoza.” 24.1-2, 114.


Santos, Ana Regina Faria Dos. (Portuguese) Clarice Lispector, “A Thought.” 6.1, 155.


Santos, Vivaldo. (Portuguese) Bernardo Ajzenberg, “Excerpt from Dry Eyes.” 24.1-2, 14.


Sarrionandia, Joseba. (Portuguese) “Message for Bernardo Atxaga.” 12.1-2, 189.
—“A Pile of Worn-Out Shoes.” 12.1-2, 191.


Sharpe, Peggy. (Portuguese) Marcelino Freire, “The Royal Manor,” “Peace.” 24.1-2, 124.


Smith, Steven K. (Portuguese) Fernando Pessoa, “She Sings, Poor Reaper.” 13.2, 154.


Watson, Ellen. (Portuguese) Adelia Prado, “Two Ways,” “The Alphabet in the Park.” 1.1, 30.
—(Portuguese) Adelia Prado, poems. 21.2, 96.